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French Grammar

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French Grammar, French Vocabulary

Focus on the valuable grammar tool of gender in French

Feminine or masculine, that is the question you often ask yourself as a French learner.

Why “bureau” (desk) is masculine and “chaise” (chair) feminine?

Learning French grammar tool of gender in French is not that complicated! Here is some simple explanations.

In French, every noun has a gender, masculine or feminine.

You must think that the only one option to speak French properly is to learn by heart all the French nouns. Luckily this is one of many myths about the French language and you can actually know the gender of a French noun just by looking at its ending.

Why does gender in French matter?

Before you discover how easy it is to know the gender of French nouns with accuracy, you need to know that the gender has an influence on:

  • The article you use before a noun
  • Pronouns
  • The ending of adjectives

Did you know that a French word ending is a good indicator of its gender?

When learning the gender of French nouns, keep in mind that the meaning of the noun usually has nothing to do with whether it is masculine or feminine.

To learn grammar tool of gender in French, you need to know that in French grammar rules exit but exceptions remain.

The first one is to look at the ending of a word.

According to several studies, a noun’s ending indicates its gender in 80% of cases.

This could be learnt by heart but it would be boring. Instead write it down on a small note book and keep an eye on it each time you need to speak French.

Best Grammar tool of gender in French. Here is a simplified list that would be easier to remember.


  • age (virage)
  • al (arsenal, journal, animal)
  • eau (tableau, chapeau, bateau)
  • ent (sergent, président, client)
  • isme (communisme, optimisme)
  • ment (département, gouvernement


  • ade (promenade, salade)
  • aison (combinaison)
  • ance (espérance)
  • ence (providence)
  • esse (adresse, jeunesse)
  • ette, (cigarette, disquette)
  • ie (chimie)
  • tion (action, collection, correction)
  • sion (passion, conclusion, décision)
  • té : vérité, sincérité, université
  • ure (aventure, écriture)

Do you want to know how to speak French properly?

French gender rules explained

Once you know how to easily indentify the gender of nouns, you have to agree all the sentence with this gender. Follow this French lesson and discover all about French articles, pronouns, and adjectives.

The articles and adjectives that we pair with French nouns must agree in both gender and number. Otherwise things sound incorrect to a native French speaker.

• The article you use before a noun

An article is a part of speech that is used very often.

A definite article reveals a specific noun – in English the definite article is the.

I found the box = a specific box that you were looking for, or referred to before.

In French, le, la, and les are all definite articles.

In English, you always use “the”. In French, you have a masculine “the” (le) and a feminine “the” (la). Les is the plural form.

  • Le téléphone
  • La télévision
  • Les objets

An indefinite article doesn’t refer to a specific noun.

In English our indefinite articles are a or an depending on whether the noun starts with a vowel.

Look at this example :

I found a box = any random box out of an indescribable number of boxes. Similarly, you have a masculine “a” in French (un) and a feminine one (une).

  • Un paquet (a package)
  • Une boite (a box)

If the noun is plural in French, you have to use DES. English does not use any plural article.

  • Des paquets (packages)

Finally, while you say “some” in English. You need to make the distinction between “du” (masculine) and “de la” (feminine) in French.

Exercise yourself


In French , pronouns change according to the gender.

As in English you have a masculine pronoun il (he) and a feminine one elle (she).

However, regarding the plural, you have two different pronouns in French ils or elles.

English will be “they” for both.

Exercise yourself

Try to match with the right pronoun.

…..est poli….Correction….il

…..est polie….Correction….elle

…..sont polis….Correction….ils

The endings of adjectives and verbs

In the previous exercise, you have seen that adjectives can change due to the noun’s gender.

Poli (Polite) changes into Polie at the feminine form.

An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. All French adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the nouns they describe. In fact, in French, all words in a sentence must agree with each other.

Most of the time masculine adjectives can be change to feminine by adding a suffix.

Most adjectives add e to the masculine singular form to get the feminine singular.


Américain -> américaine

Bleu -> bleue

Content -> contente

Brun -> brune

Blond -> blonde

Fier -> fière

Charmant -> charmante

Idéal -> idéale

Agé -> agée

Dévoué -> dévouée

Fatigué -> fatiguée

Occupé -> occupée

Masculine singular adjectives ending in eux form the feminine by changing -x to -se,


Affectueux -> affectueuse

Chanceux -> chanceuse

Courageux -> courageuse

Form the feminine singular of masculine singular adjectives ending in f by changing -f to -ve.


Neuf -> neuve

Sportif -> sportive

Vif -> vive

Actif -> active

Masculine singular adjectives ending in -er form the feminine by changing -er to -ére,


Léger -> légère

Étranger -> étrangère

Premier -> première

Cher -> chère

Some masculine singular adjectives form the feminine by doubling the final consonant before the -e ending.


Bon -> bonne

Bas -> basse

Ancien -> ancienne

Européen -> européenne

In order to practice your French you can enroll now for French Classes at French lessons Australia just Click HERE

The passé composé with the verb “être”
French Grammar, French Vocabulary

The passé composé with the verb “être”

The ”passé composé” is the present perfect tense. This tense is used a lot in French to describe a situation that happened in the past at a definite time but that still has a meaning for today…

Seems very theoretical, but really, it is not as you will see soon with French Lessons Australia!


When to use it?

The passé composé is the usual tense for events and incidents that happened in a close past. Unlike the English present perfect, the passé composé is used very often by French people.

Sometime indicators can be used in addition to strengthen this relation between past and present! For instance: hier (yesterday), l’autre jour (the other day), samedi passé (last Saturday), plusieurs fois (several times), l’année passée (last year), … As you can see, it is not necessary to be very recent to use the passé composé. As soon as the information is still relevant with today, the passé composé is appropriate.

Obviously, the passé composé is not the only past tense used in French. The imperfect tense and the past simple tense are also used as we will see in another post on French Lessons Sydney. However, the passé composé is one of the predominant tense in everyday’s language!

How to use it?

The passé composé is, as its name suggests, a compound tense. Which means that it can be compounded with either the auxiliary  ‘être’ or ‘avoir’, followed by the past participle of the verb. The passé composé of a limited group of verbs is formed with the auxiliary ‘être’, and usually express a change of position.

The passé composé with the verb “être”

The conjugation of the auxiliary ‘être’ looks like this:

Je suis

Tu es

Il/Elle est

Nous sommes

Vous êtes

Ils/Elles sont         

Once you have put your auxiliary with your past participle, there is a rule you need to know: the past participle always agrees with the subject in gender and number.

That seems a bit complicated but basically it means that if the subject of your sentence is feminine you add an ‘e’ at the end of the past participle. If your subject is plural (more than one subject), you add an ‘s’.

Example: You are a group of girls and explain to your friend that you went to the beach yesterday. You will say “Nous sommes allées a la mer hier”. If you were a group of men, you would say “Nous sommes allés a la mer hier”.

If you want to learn more about French tenses, or just to know more about French in general and what we do at French Lessons Australia, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@french-lessons-australia.com

French Grammar

The passé composé with the verb “avoir”


The ”passé composé” is the present perfect tense. This tense is used a lot in French to describe a situation that happened in the past at a definite time but that still has a meaning for today… Seems very theoretical, but really, it is not as you will see soon with French Lessons Australia!


When to use it?

The passé composé is the usual tense for events and incidents that happened in a close past. Unlike the English present perfect, the passé composé is used very often by French people.

Some time indicators can be used in addition to strengthen this relation between past and present! For instance: hier (yesterday), l’autre jour (the other day), samedi passé (last Saturday), plusieurs fois (several times), l’année passée (last year),

As you can see, it is not necessary to be very recent to use the passé composé. As soon as the information is still relevant with today, the passé composé is appropriate.

Obviously, the passé composé is not the only past tense used in French. The imperfect tense and the past simple tense are also used as we will see in another post on French Lessons Brisbane. However, the passé composé is one of the predominant tense in everyday’s language!


How to use it?

The passé composé is, as its name suggests, a compound tense. Which means that it can be compounded with either the auxiliary ‘être’ or ‘avoir’, followed by the past participle of the verb.

The passé composé of most of the French verbs is used with the ‘avoir’.

Let’s take the action of eating. To say that you ate some bread this morning, you will say in French ”j’ai mangé du pain ce matin”. In fact, in English, you could have said either ”I ate some bread”, or ”I have eaten”, or even ”I did eat”. In French, you will only use the passé composé and say ”J’ai mangé”.

The only things you need to know to form the passé composé is the conjugation of the verb ‘avoir’ to the present tense.


Tu as

Il/Elle a

Nous avons

Vous avez

Ils/Elles ont


To that, you will need to add the past participle of the verb you want to conjugate. If the verb is regular, its past participle will mostly be regular. Which means you can guess it without having to know it by heart.

For instance, regular verbs ending by ER will have see their ER displaced by a ‘e’. Therefore, acheter (to buy) will be acheté (bought), manger (to eat) will be mangé (eaten), commencer (to start) will be commencé (started).

Regular verbs ending by IR will have their IR displaced by a ‘i’. Therefore, finir (to finish) will be fini (finished), choisir (to choose) will be choisi (chosen).

And finally, regular verbs ending by RE will have their RE displaced by a ‘u’. Therefore, perdre (to lose) will be perdu (lost), attendre (to wait) will be attendu (waited).

Easy, right?

Well, now, as in English, there are a few irregular verbs which will see their past participle changing differently.

For example, etre (to be) will be été (been), pouvoir (to can) will be pu (could), voir (to see) will be vu (seen), apprendre (to learn) will be appris (learnt), rire (to laugh) will be ri (laughed), etc…


If you want to learn more about French tenses, or just to know more about French in general and what we do at French Lessons Australia, don’t hesitate to contact us at  info@french-lessons-australia.com

Learn French The French word for fitness is Aptitude. French always stay fit and healthy, as they do Exercise for pleasure, do Healthy relaxation and there is No age limit ever to learn anything new.
French Grammar, French Vocabulary

Learn French with Fitness Vocabulary

The French word for fitness is Aptitude. French always stay fit and healthy, as  they do Exercise for pleasure, do Healthy relaxation and there is No age limit ever to learn anything new.


This is a country where on one corner, you find a boulangerie with mouth-watering pastries, and on the next, a café where Parisians linger for hours. It’s a place known for rich desserts, baguettes made from refined flour, foie gras, fatty meats, and wine. Yet most inhabitants seem to have little trouble maintaining a healthy weight.

“French women refuse to accept being overweight”

We know how hard it can be to do workout,  when you are learning French.  It’s tricky how words can fail you when you try to tell your personal trainer to “turn off the treadmill.” So, to make your regular visits to the gym that little bit easier we’ve pulled together a few choice words and phrases. Enjoy French Lessons Australia’s vocabulary for workout.


  • The body – le corps
  • Flat stomach – un ventre plat
  • Health – la santé
  • Lose weight – perdre du poids
  • Shape – la forme
  • Figure – la silhouette
  • Slimming – minceur
  • Tone up – tonifier
  • Classes – les cours
  • Bums and tums – les abdos-fessiers
  • Personal training – les cours particuliers
  • Dance – la danse
  • Swimming – la notation
  • Weights area – la salle de musculation
  • Weight bench – un banc de musculation
  • Weights – les haltères
  • Cardio theatre – la salle cardio

Get registered to Learn French with our new Courses!!! Starting on Monday 11th july 2 hours a week

Conversation Group Classes: Every Monday 10 am to 11 am (for 5 weeks)

Every Wednesday 6pm to 7pm (for 5 weeks)

Beginner Course:  Every Monday 6pm to 8pm (for 10 weeks)

How to say you in French?
French Online Courses, Learning New Language

How to say you in French?

There are two forms of “you” in French: “tu” and “vous”.

If modern English doesn’t have that difference anymore, it used to. Shakespeare uses “you” and “thou”.

tu = you

vous = thou

There are two rules regarding the usage of “tu” and “vous” in French.

1.Old English used “you” to refer to one person (singular) and “though” to refer to several people (plural). The same logic applies to French. Exemple: Pierre, tu regardes la télé ?– Pierre, are you watching TV? Exemple: Marie et Sophie, vous avez vu le nouveau James Bond ? Mary and Sophie, did you see the new James Bond?

2.The second rule refers to a certain number of social codes. – the use of “tu”: informality between friends an adult talking to a child – the use of “vous” formality to acknowledge hierarchy (an employee talking to his boss and vice versa) you can refer to someone by his or her first name and still you the “vous” form; however this is rather old-fashioned. Général Charles de Gaulle would use “vous” and her first name to talk to his wife.


If uncertain about “tutoyer” or “vouvoyer” someone, go with the latter.

Happy Learning Tips from your teacher

Have a great week!


Your French Teacher

L’imparfait , French Grammar
French Grammar, French Online Courses

How do you form the imparfait in French?

The imperfect tense is a past tense, but in which cases is it used and how often do French people use it?

Join us in our French Grammar tour at French Lessons Australia and master the past in 5 minutes!


When to use it?

The imperfect tense is a past tense used to talk about descriptions. It definitely has a talent to describe things. Example: Henry was a tall, brilliant, and smart man -> Henry était un homme grand, brillant et intelligent.

In English, the Imperfect can also be represented by the Past Continuous. That to say to talk about a situation that was happening when another event interrupted it. For instance: She was playing on her computer when… -> Elle jouait sur son ordinateur quand

The Imperfect generally expresses a situation that happened in the past for an indefinite period of time, without any link with today. Eg. Michael was unhappy with his grades when he was at school -> Michael était mécontent de ses points quand il était a l’école.

Finally, the Imperfect can be used to express a past habit or something you were used to do. Eg. When I was young, I used to work in a office -> Quand j’étais jeune, je travaillais dans un bureau.

How to use it?

The Imperfect tense is easy to learn!

All conjugations except for the verb ‘être’ are formed in the same way!

You know how to conjugate verbs at the present form. So all you need to do to conjugate at the imperfect form is to take the first person of plural (-nous-) at the present form, to drop the “ons” at the end, and to replace it by the correct Imperfect ending.

Example: the verb “chanter” (to sing). The first person of plural in Present is “Nous chantons”. Drop the “ons”. Which gives “chant-” and add the correct ending which are shown below. The Imperfect form will therefore be: je chantais, tu chantais, il chantait, nous chantions, vous chantiez, ils chantaient.

Je -ais

Tu -ais

Il/Elle -ait

Nous -ions

Vous -iez

Ils/Elles -aient


  • We used to like -> Nous aimions
  • I danced a lot when I was young -> Je dansais beaucoup quand j’étais jeune.

The only exception is the verb ‘être’ that will be conjugated like this: j’étais, tu étais, il était, nous étions, vous étiez, ils étaient.

Seems a bit vague? Want to have more precise information about the use of tenses? Or just more information on French in general? Easy! Contact us at info@frenchlessons-australia.com.au

Learning Something New Makes You a More Happier Person
Learning New Language

Learning Something New Makes You a More Happier Person

Do you know a secret that happiness and Learning are connected? But how deeply?

How learning and happiness are connected?? How Learning Something New Makes You a More Happier Person?


That’s the fact that you will become a more happier person once you start learning something new. Blissful people are healthier, learn faster, more successful and even live longer than those who are unhappy. So, Learning French, the most popular language in the world, is not a bad idea.

Happy People’s Behaviour

Happy people are less egocentric, less aggressive, less offensive to others and less prone to illness. Happiness is just as important for a long life as a healthy diet and lifestyle. And hence, that’s a simple reason that they  have high grasping power and learn faster. One of the most persistent myths is that money makes you happy. Money does not equal to happiness.

Knowledge & Happiness Interconnected

In fact, there are many ways in which you can increase your likelihood of happiness. You only have to know what to do. And what not to do. So there is, indeed, a link between happiness and knowledge. Education & knowledge might not necessarily make you richer but a habit of learning always something new does make you better off personality.

A research found that the higher people’s level of general education the more satisfied they were with their daily life and the more worthwhile they felt”. Highly educated people get better jobs that pay more money & enjoyment. They practice healthier lifestyles and have less tension.

Learning Leads to Happiness

In a context of happiness, learning is an extent of commitment & engagement with tasks that provide knowledge and fulfillment. For people who are intensely absorbed in a task, hours pass like minutes. They may be tired by the task but emerge energized and blissful. Everybody should find the work to do that light up their life.


Whether it’s acquiring a new language or talent, optimistic & delighted personality are built upon patterns of lifelong learning. Cheerful folks are physically and emotionally healthier, more flourishing at learning and work. They are comparatively more creative, more admired, more friendly, less likely to be immoral.

Delighted folks are better in every respect. Happiness reflects your satisfaction level. When you are learning something of your interest, you are satisfied with your learning & yourself and that’s why learning makes you full of joy and gives you genuine happiness.

5 Reasons learning new Languages can boost your growth amazingly
French Grammar, Learning Tools

5 Reasons learning new Languages can boost your growth amazingly

Why You Should be Learning new Languages, especially French??

Several types of researchers claiming that French, German, Spanish, Polish and Mandarin are the best languages to learn for better career growth.  

Those who speak more than one language have a greater chance to boost their career prospects and get success in business. There are so many reasons for learning a new language. Though the core of the desire to learn a new dialect is to be able to communicate, this is no more crucial than when it comes to business and careers.

In fact, adding at least one other language to your skill set and its fluency to speak can expect an additional 20 to 30 percent pay increase. Having the desired job and a satisfactory career are two very different things. A career indicates that there’s the opportunity for progression, the chance to do always new things and take on additional responsibilities. A career could have you travel the world seeking out new ventures, or even have you moving to work in a new country

The younger generation speaks more additional languages than any other age group, but due to lack of time and time flexibility they would be deterred from learning another language in the future. Alot of professional are more likely to relocate abroad for searching new opportunities and work.  In this blog we will

In this blog we will be speaking about the effect of learning new languages can the play major role  in business and career prospects.

1. Crack the Interview of International Companies

Additional language fluency can give you a noteworthy benefit over other applicants, particularly if the company has international dealings or clients. Day after day, more companies are spreading out across the world. You will likely to find more opportunities to get hired, if you can speak other languages and work with the international organization. Once you’ve found such  new job opportunity, it’s also more likely that you will be hired for your ability to speak a foreign language and more than one language.  As per the studies,  there are more than 60% of companies who want to do business in other countries

  2. Higher remuneration:

There are a lot of benefits of being bilingual and one of the most important is you can earning more money. Candidates that speak more than one language will be offered higher monthly packages compared to the others. There are many people seeking full-time positions who simply can’t get it because of lack of ability to speak more than one language. Even if they have offered full-time job, but still they compromise with fewer wages. Knowing a foreign language can add  15% and 20% to your wage.  For higher positions, it will be extra 10% or more as a bonus.

  3. Opens up for more awesome job opportunities

If you can speak another country’s language, you open up new doors for yourself  and get the chance to  explore new opportunities across the world. Hence, learning new languages have added advantage that gives you an opportunity to explore your dreams  in other countries as well.

We make out that learning new languages would surely be beneficial in everyone’s  professional journey, but what languages are most practical and valuable to learn?French is a language that opens up the world and  the second most widely learned foreign language after English.  Even a basic knowledge of French can make the job much easier, stress-free, more enjoyable and allow you to discuss with people who likes to communicate in French.

French is one of the official (and working) languages of the United Nations (including UNESCO), the European Union, the International Olympic Committee, NATO, OECD, and the International Red Cross.  French is the international language of the theater, the visual arts, dance, architecture, haute cuisine, and fashion industry.


  4.Gain confidence:

There any countless professions that particularly favor those with additional language abilities, other than direct translation roles. Knowing a language other than the mother tongue raise your confidence level enormously. Aptitude for learning a new language of speaking  confidently both at home and abroad, making you a better candidate to countenance the globalization feature  of international companies.


  5. Outstanding multi-tasking skill sets 

Significantly knowing any new language doesn’t only mean that you can speak it as well. The process of learning an additional language involves the insides of  another culture and tradition. Learning a foreign language builds an understanding of their culture and its people, and helps employees to better interact with others. As per the research, it proves that if you have a capability to learn more than one language, it develops  your multi-tasking skills at the same time.



The majority of people who can speak a second language, speak French.  So What Exactly Will You Learn?  Well, it doesn’t have to be complicated to communicate with French speakers.  If you’re worried you’ll be stuck at a bus stop or embarrassed at a cafe when you forget what to say. That will be OK. It will be much easier to learn than you think.

If you’re all curious about the world beyond your own day-to-day routine, speaking French (or any other language besides your native tongue) can upgrade your life by increasing opportunities for career, living, travel, friendship, adventure, and love. The more languages you speak, the bigger your world becomes.

For people who want to learn the French language, but don’t have enough time to commit to traditional methods, “Online French Courses” are a good alternative – where  you practice listening and speaking in the car, from your home PC in your free time or learning online.

Online learning has made immense progress in the past several years and has become a viable alternative to more traditional forms of instruction. It’s becoming the norm for people with very little time or money to spare who still want to make progress with their learning.

French Lessons Australia have all your French learning needs covered from beginner, intermediate and advanced conversation classes to Business French classes for adults, travellers and corporate sector.

https://frenchlessonsaustralia.com.au|  0415 799 620  |  info@frenchlessons-australia.com.au


French Grammar, French Vocabulary

4 easy fundamental prepositions to indicate great locations

Prepositions are used in both French and English, but according to the context of the sentence, they don’t always have the same meaning or translation.

French Lessons Australia is here to help you out with a specific kind of propositions: the ones that indicate location or direction to or from a place.


A preposition shows the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to another word in a sentence.

Today, we will see the most useful ones in French!




Note that this preposition is always used before the name of a city or a person. When it is a country, the rule change as you will see later in this post.

You perhaps also have noticed that the à becomes ”au” in some cases. When the following noun is masculine (and is not the name of a place like Paris), à becomes au. Eg. I do the shopping at the supermarket =>Je fais les courses ausupermarche.  To indicate a time or a direction, à is also used. Examples:

  • Our meeting is at 3pm -> Notre reunion est à 3h de l’apres-midi.
  • It is the first on the right ->C’est la premiere à 




Here, de becomes d’ when a word starting with a vowel follows the preposition. Eg. My boyfriend comes from Australia -> Mon petit amivientd’Australie.

The form ”du” is also possible. It is in fact the contraction of ”de le” (from the) that cannot be said in French. When the place of origin is not a geographical name (eg le bureau, le jardin, le magasin) but is masculine, you will use du. If this is not geographical name but it is feminine, you will say de la. Eg. I come from the bakery -> Je pars de laboulangerie.

De can also be translated by about when it is used with verb ”parler” (to talk). Eg. What are you talking about? ->De quoi parles-tu?





When you talk about a country, you can either use the preposition en or au, depending if the country is feminine or masculine. Eg. (1) I am in France -> Je suisen France (feminine name). (2) She is in Canada -> Elle estau Canada. (masculine name)




That’s it for today, I hope this post was helpful and we hope to hear from you soon at info@frenchlessons-Autralia.com.au

Top 5 Exclusive French Language Learning Strategies That Really Works
French Grammar, Learning New Language, Uncategorized

Top 5 Exclusive French Language Learning Strategies That Really Works

Learning a new language necessitates a massive endeavor and good understanding of that culture.

But there are countless ways how you can speed up your learning progress.

Most of the times lots of students may possibly not conscious that they are using the language learning strategies that are not working for them.  There are few exclusive French Language Learning strategies and styles that actually work for so many people and certainly works for you too, during learning French or any new language.

These language learning styles will prevent you from taking the redundant alternative route of a learning process. The below mentioned top 5 most effective learning strategies of learning a language can give you a motivation towards better learning experiences over the time. French language learning strategies basically comprise behaviors, specific actions, steps, or techniques that students often intentionally use to improve their progress in developing the French language.

French is the second most widely learned foreign language after English, and the ninth most widely spoken language in the world.

French is also the only language, alongside English, that is taught in every country in the world. France operates the biggest international network of cultural institutes, which run French-language courses for more than 750,000 learners.

  1. Engagement of learner’s motivation, behaviors, and thoughts

Its student’s motivation, behaviors, and thoughts that engage during learning which is intended to influence the learner’s training process. It includes all learning regardless of language or anything about something new. To start learning in an effective and an efficient manner learner should have focus & dedicated thought process towards learning the French language.

  1. Communication with Yourself and in your Social Group

It’s a very simple idea behind talking with yourself. You always have direct access to your inner voice. Take the advantage of it and get benefited to improve your French Language. The only major change here you need to do is instead of using your mother tongue, just stick to use the French language and communicate with yourself. From now, you don’t require any French native speaker to enhance your French learning skills.

Choose at least one friend to study with. Not only is it more fun to learn with other living, breathing human beings, but a little friendly competition can significantly boost compliance. Still it will be well and good if you have an outstanding friends circle in college or in office to whom you can communicate & share your thought process. Regularly practicing 10 to 20 min per day will be sufficed for the beginners.

  1. Writing and Reading in French is a key

Successful French language learners make a common habit of writing and reading French on a daily basis, as part of their effective learning strategies. Take the advantage of all practice opportunities such as reading French Newspaper, watching French TV Channel, Writing documents in French, reading French magazine and much more. Reading gives you broader prospect of how one can express their thoughts in any new language. While written in a new language, you will get deeper experience of learning the French language.


  1. Practice of Listening makes you perfect

Listening to French Music or any other Audio, like you normally do during your normal daily activities such as while driving, jogging, cooking, traveling or may be during your fun time with friends.  While listening the audio, simultaneously try to practice of repeating the same. After a short span of time, you will enjoy this regular habit of learning French Language. Your willpower and your regular practice make you perfect in speaking fluent French.

  1. Habit of Regular Scheduling 1st in the Morning

Move ahead with a positive attitude & do short but the regular sessions every morning. It sounds one of a great learning strategy, where you will achieve the goal comparatively in much lesser time. It reminds your brain that language learning is a top priority in your life.

Prioritise the things which are most important in your life before anything is else, is one of the best strategy to succeed, not only to learn any language, buy also get the real success in your life both at personal and professional level.



So, if you really want to learn French or another new language, these 5 learning strategies provide you perhaps with the best learning tools. Learning any new language takes some time, however, your dedication speedup the process much faster.   To reach the highest level of proficiency you need to make a habit of learning. France is the world’s number-one tourist destination and attracts more than 70 million visitors a year.

A little bit of knowledge of French language makes it so much more enjoyable to visit Paris and all the regions of France. French also comes in handy when traveling to Africa, Switzerland, Canada, Monaco, the Seychelles and other places.

French Lessons Australia always believes that you need to bring the French language and culture alive for people to really engage enough to start learning. If you deem in speaking the French language right from the start of your language learning journey, then visit your favourite expert right away and use the quick links – http://www.frenchlessonsbrisbane.com.au/

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