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How you learned the basic French words to start a conversation
French Words

Basic French words and Phrases to Start Conversation

So, you planned to visit a French-speaking country, but have you learned those Basic French Words which will help you to communicate whilst travelling to a French-speaking country

In this article, we have covered those most common and basic French phrases.

Wondering how French people will react when you initiate a conversation in English or with any little knowledge of on French. You do need some French survival phrases!

No need to worry anymore!

In this article, I will help you learning the basic French phrases you should know to make yourself understood in France and to have a basic French conversation. One thing you do have to bear in mind though is that whatever your level of French is, French people will definitely appreciate you’re trying and they will therefore make an extra effort to help you.

Basic French Phrases to Greet people

It seems French people give greetings a very important place. Indeed, it is, for example, normal in France, to say hello when you enter a shop. Not doing it would be considered as rude. Yes but how exactly do you greet people in French (Check our Greetings Quiz)? Here are the Basic French phrases you need to learn to make your way up to French people’s hearts.

1.How to say hi in French? – Bonjour

How to say hi in French?

“Bonjour” means “hello” in French. It goes beyond a simple greeting though and it is more considered as a word you say every time you enter a place (shop, post office…) or even when you walk pass people in the street! It is very commonly used.

However it exists different “hellos” depending on the time of the day and on the relationship you have with people. Let me explain.


2.How to say good evening in French? – Bonsoir

In the evening, “bonjour” (literally “good day”) becomes “bonsoir” (which translates to “good evening”). Even though “bonjour” would still be acceptable, “bonsoir” seems more appropriate once the sun goes down,

3.How to say hi in French – Salut

This is a word you could use when speaking to friends or children. It is commonly thought to mean “hi” but be aware that it is not the exact equivalent. It is much more informal and shouldn’t be used when speaking to someone you don’t (or barely) know.

After “salut” you could perhaps want to say “quoi de neuf?” which means “what’s new? “ To which people might answer “pas grand chose” (“not much”).

4.How to say hello in French? – Coucou

This word has a very similar meaning to “salut” but it is even more relaxed so keep this one for people you are very close to.

5.How to say Goodbye in French? – Au revoir

This is the most common way to say goodbye in French. It literally means “to seeing you again”. Just like “bonjour” you can choose different ways to say “goodbye” depending on the situation. So here they are:

6.How to say See you later in French? – A plus tard

This means “see you later”. If you speak to a friend, you could even say “à plus” and get rid of “tard”.

7.How to say See you soon in French? – A bientôt

Similar to the expression above, this one means “see you soon”.

8.How to say until next time in French? – A la prochaine

Translating to “until next time”, this expression is however a lot less formal. I would advise you to only say it to friends or family.

Basic French Words of Politeness

Politeness is a must in France. Indeed the way French people see it is that manners don’t cost anything so make sure you use the following expressions. And do not worry about making mistakes,

French people will appreciate and respect you’re trying French Basic words

10. How to say Please in French? – S’il te plaît / s’il vous plaît

The French version of “please” can appear a bit long and tricky but it’s not that difficult to pronounce so don’t let the appearance scare you.

There are two versions of please in French language: a formal one (“s’il vous plaît”) and an informal one (“s’il te plaît”).

The rule is simple: if you don’t know the person or not enough to call him/her a friend or if that person is not a child then use “s’il vous plaît”. In any other cases, “s’il te plaît” would be fine. Easy or easy?

11.How to say Thank You in French? – Merci

Merci - Thank you in French
After “please” comes the time to say “thank you” and in French you’ll have to say “merci”. It is pronounced like “mercy” in English (even though the meaning is totally different!!).

12.How to say you’re welcome in French? – De rien

“De rien” means “you’re welcome”.

This French phrase is commonly used in response when someone says “merci”

13.How to say Excuse me in French? – Excuse-moi/Excusez-moi

Just like “please”, there are a formal and an informal way of saying “excuse-me”. The rule is the exact same. If you know the person or if it is a child then you’ll use “excuse-moi”. If not, “excusez moi” would be better.

Why you should learn these basic French phrases

I have drawn up a quick list of some of the most basic french phrases for tourists.

Imagine yourself lost in Paris. You might want to enjoy that moment of being alone in a fabulous city you barely know looking at all its wonders and just stop the time making the most of it.

Yes, I agree.

It does sound marvelous.

However, reality will eventually kick in and you will have to approach someone and ask him/her a few questions to make your way back to where you have to go.

So here are most useful French phrases for travelers

15.How to say how do we say in French? – Comment dit-on “…” en français?

It is clear you are making an effort and trying your best to grasp the daily French expressions and to use them in appropriate circumstances. There is absolutely no doubt French people will appreciate this.

However you might not know everything you might need to say so asking the translation of an English word (or two…) in French might come handy. To do so, you should say “comment dit-on … en français?”(“how do we say…in French?). If they have the answer, French people will gladly help you.

16.How to say do you speak English in French? – Parlez-vous anglais?


Sometimes, despite all your willing, the situation might become a bit too complicated and your linguistic knowledge might be a little too little! In that case, you might want to ask someone if they speak English. If so, the correct phrase is “parlez-vous anglais?”

17. How to say I do not understand French Well? – Je ne comprends pas bien le français / Or How to say I do not speak very well French? – je ne parle pas très bien français

You’ll see some French people can be very talkative and might get giddy telling you all about their fabulous country. It might be the right moment to tell them you are not fluent in French (yet!) and that you do not understand everything they are saying.

“Je ne comprends pas bien le français” (I don’t understand French very well”) and “Je ne parle pas très bien français” (“I don’t speak French very well”) are the two phrases you’ll need.

18.How to say can you speak more slowly in French? – Pouvez-vous parler moins vite?

In similar situations, you might want people to speak more slowly. This could allow you to understand more familiar basic French words or even maybe to read on people’s lips if you find the pronunciation or accent too difficult to understand. “Pouvez-vous parler moins vite?” means “Can you speak more slowly?”

19.How to say can you repeat in French? – Pouvez-vous répéter?

Have you ever been in that awkward situation where someone is telling you something but you literally do not have a clue what they’re on about?

Yes, so have I… Well you don’t have any choice.

You will have to ask them to repeat and put all your efforts into it to understand better what they are saying. The required question is “pouvez-vous répéter? (Can you repeat?”).

20.How to say can you help me in French? – Pouvez-vous m’aider?

Touch wood nothing bad will ever happen to you while visiting France (or elsewhere for that matter) but if you find yourself in a difficult situation, you might want to ask people for some help.

In that case, you would say “pouvez-vous m’aider?” (“Can you help me?”). This phrase could also be used in a lot less dramatic situation as, for example, if you need help choosing the right outfit for a fabulous evening out you’re planning at the local French restaurant!

21.How to say where is the subway in French? – Où est le métro?

When making your way to that lovely restaurant mentioned above, you might get lost (again!).

Finding the subway might help you on your way. “Où est le métro?” is what you will need to say to ask “where is the subway?”.

22.How to say can I use the toilet? – Puis-je utiliser les toilettes?

In most big cities, you should be able to find public toilets in the streets. However, in all fairness, you may not want to use them or maybe there might not be one in the specific location you will spend your day. You could then enter a restaurant or a café and politely ask to use their facilities.

“Puis-je utiliser les toilettes” is the French translation for “Can I use the toilets?”

23.How to say where are the toilets in French? – Où sont les toilettes

If you already are in a restaurant or café, you might simply want to ask where the toilets are. In that case, you will say “Où sont les toilettes?” (“Where are the toilets?”).

24.How to say can I have the bill in French? – Pourrais-je avoir l’addition?

You have just had a gorgeous three course meal and it’s now time to pay. To ask for the bill, you need to say “pourrais-je avoir l’addition?” (Can I have the bill?”).


With all these most common french words and phrases, you should now be ready to enjoy your trip to France!

Now I’d like to hear from you:

Which basic French words and phrases was most tough for you to pronounce?

Either way, leave a quick comment below right now if you have queries

Side Note: Want a light introduction to French Courses Online? Check Out Our French Courses Online for Beginners

French Online courses
French Online Courses

5 advantages for taking French Online courses

Learning French through a professional and results-based approach, without leaving your home is now possible with French Lessons Australia;


French Online courses!


The French online courses is now officially launched!



Why taking an online course? One of the main advantage is the flexibility: you can progress in your course at the day and time you want, whenever suits you the best. No need to rush after work to come at your weekly evening class and no need to cancel a brunch with your friends on Saturday to come learning French.
Now YOU decide what time is the best for you today or tomorrow, and at the location you want. All you need is a computer/tablet and an internet connection: at your desk, on your sofa with a glass of (French) wine, or even in the public transport before going to work. More flexibility and less obligations, this is how the Online Course works.


At your own pace

With the Online Course, learning French is at your own pace. Troubles with grammar but facilities with telling time? You decide how much time you spend on a thematic and how fast you want to learn. Planning to go in France and grammar is not essential for your goals? Not a problem, you are the only one choosing how to manage your time and your interests in learning Moliere’s language.
With the Online Course, you are the one deciding what you want to learn in French and in how much time.


Improve French in a fun and easy way

Through a diversified media content including funny videos and continuously updated posts, we make sure that your experience learning French is easy, fun, and fast. We want you to make real progress at your rythm and in a relaxed environment. Forget about the big boring French theory books, we are here to make you love what you’re learning.


Develop your brain

It is now scientifically proved: learning a new language has a lot of benefits on your health and on your brain. Bilingual people develop dementia and Alzheimer 5 year later in life and they enjoy a better memory on the short and long-term. But that’s not all, learning a foreign language like French has impacts on your daily life. Studies show that people speaking more than one language deal better with unforeseen events, are more prompt to change, and take more rational decisions.
By improving multi-tasking, academic and working performance, and mental health, learning French is going to be an essential moment in your life!
The Online course, by stimulating your brain with all a range of learning material will develop your cognitive capacities as well as your passion for French.


Travel in French-speaking countries

More than 30 countries speak French as official or second language: France of course, but also Canada, a lot of African countries, and many paradisiac islands such as Seychelles, Mauritius or French Polynesia… After English, French is the language spoken in the bigger number of countries around the world, and therefore, gives you opportunities while travelling but also in your career or at school.
The Online Course will provide you with several thematics you can use in daily life, in order for you to be able to travel and surf on the French wave.
If you’re an independent and motivated person willing to learn French at your own pace and time, come to have a look at French Lessons Australia with our Online Course and see the different options we can offer you!
Don’t say ‘tomorrow’ when you can say “today’!

French Online Courses, Learn French, Learning New Language, Schools Of Future

Learning French with Private Home Tuition

Students who always wanted to learn French or studied before and want to freshen up the skills they can consider private French home tuition. There could be many ways you can find tutors who can help you teaching french either you meet them in someplace like a coffee shop or you can find your tutor another side of the world online.

More often online tutor is affordable as compared to meeting with a tutor in person. French lessons are more effective when they are given online. There are some reasons for online lessons are;

  • They are one to one lessons
  • Cheaper than language schools
  • Easy to approach the tutor
  • You won’t have to waste time going to school
  • There are options available for individualized classes

This article will help you to find what kind of tutor you want and how you will plan your lessons in the most effective learning way. There are some online technologies which are best for their French lessons and those are;


Wyzant will help you to find a tutor with skills and subjects, on this website you can search for French tutors with the need of meeting them in person. This site has professional and well-educated tutors in local areas. And their charges depend on their experiences. Wyzant will help you find tutors of all kinds like prices as low as you like and as high as you like.


Preply will help you find a tutor according to your budget. On this website, you can search for the tutors’ up to 20 languages. And for French there 300 tutors available either they are native speakers or certified instructors. You can select language on the website and can look at the tutors’ profile and read the reviews given and hourly based tutors can also be searched on the website.


It’s all about online language learning, you can have hundreds of French tutors and select which one is right for you. And when you will search there will be price availability and the kind of languages they speak also available.

French faster

It is an online French language learning school where you can have lessons with a private tutor. The tutors are native speakers from different areas of the world and are also trained to teach the French language as a foreign language through English. On the website, you can search for all the tutors and their experiences. Their lessons are for all ages like children, teens, and adults. Lessons were conducted via Skype. French fasters assign you, tutor, on your goal based and availability.


It is the most casual platform for finding language tutors, who are experienced and professionals like random French people and also ready to invest their time. In this community you can also find free language exchanges and their options are similar to verbling, italki allows you to find a tutor who meets all your needs.

How to choose your French tutors  

It is beneficial when you learn the French language from a different variety of speakers. You can repeat the lesson if the subject is difficult without getting bore. There are some suggestion given when you are choosing a French tutor and those are;

Native French Speakers

The main advantage of learning French online is that you get a native French speaker. They can help you better to have a French accent as compared to an American tutor who is teaching French.

Good vibes

Good vibes are very important when you are choosing a tutor. Someone who is funny, patient and makes you comfortable is better than a boring teacher with many degrees. The tutor should have a quality that student enjoys to talk with them and that will make you motivated to your lesson and you would want to continue in long term also.

Inexperienced vs. experienced

It is difficult to decide whether you should choose an experienced or inexperienced tutor. Sometimes it is better to choose inexperienced tutors why because they will be less likely to pressurize students and they will let you plan your lessons.

Target accent 

Your target should be the French accent, don’t study with those tutors with whom you will just end up learning expressions and which are not understandable. While learning French make sure the tutor is from the region just to avoid frustration and confusion of the accent.

Learning style

Every student has a different learning style, so find a tutor who matches your learning style. Don’t afraid to stop learning from those who speak to you n English to make you understand despite finding a way to make you understand in French. A connection to the tutor is very important so make sure you find a tutor who matches your mind. 

Top 6 Reasons to Develop Book Reading Habit for Good
French Culture, Learn French

Top 6 Reasons to Develop Book Reading Habit for Good

Reading is a habit that we all can agree upon to be a healthy and positive activity that is suitable for everyone, irrespective of the age groups. The word reading has more implications than merely understanding what is inscribed on a piece of paper. It takes you to places that you haven’t been to before or do not exist in reality. It introduces us to a new world, new people, and increases our knowledge. The following are the top six benefits of developing a reading habit to change yourself and your life for good:

Destress Yourself:

It is a scientifically proven fact that reading is a healthy activity that can help you to destress. If you ever feel burdened or the monotony of life is tiresome, pick up a book from your favorite genre, prepare a coffee, and sit in a quiet corner of your room and read. You can guarantee to feel lighter than air. Once you master the art of reading, bookstores like Builders Book will feel like heaven. A book lets you enter into a fictional world and detach from your surroundings, thus, aiding in your healing process.

Improve Your Knowledge and Language Skills:

Books, mainly written by native writers, are the best source of gaining knowledge. If you want to learn about the real history of any land, you must start reading its literature. An unapologetically accurate depiction of significant historical events can only be present by the native novelists or writers rather than the foreign historians. 

Moreover, reading improves your language skills. Every day you learn new words. The better you are at reading, the broader your vocabulary will be; the more comprehensive your dictionary is, the better you will be at reading. In both situations, it will benefit you. 

Better Cognition:

When you read, you come across many new concepts, beliefs, schools of thoughts, or original pieces of information that compel you to think and stimulate your cognition. You learn to think in multiple dimensions and look at situations from diverse perspectives. If you read fiction frequently, you will learn to boost your imaginative power. Therefore, reading regularly, either fiction or nonfiction, makes you smarter.

Freedom to Think:

We live in an age where it has become difficult to differentiate between fact and fiction. It is quite natural for people to spread fake news and make people believe in it. Likewise, media, either social or mainstream, is conditioning people to think in a specific direction and stunting their ability to make decisions or draw conclusions based on their opinions. The entire system is contributing to produce human robots. However, when you read, you get to a quite clear picture of the reality and the fabricated narratives. You learn to form unbiased observations and look beyond the horizon. It gives you the freedom to think!

It is Entertaining:

Reading takes you to a whole new level of entertainment. It is known to be the best activity for leisure time and that too for all the right reasons. When you read different fiction stories, you live with different types of characters. You enjoy the emotional roller-coaster ride. It can make you laugh, cry, or awaken all kinds of emotions in you.  Enjoy being disconnected from the real world for some time and cherish living in an imaginary world created by a fiction narrative.

Freedom to Think

Be a Better You!

Reading makes you a better person to top all of these benefits. You become knowledgeable that in turn, enhances your writing and communication skills. When you read fiction, you enter into another life that you wouldn’t have known otherwise. Even if it is fictional, getting into the shoes of another person makes you a more empathetic and open person. It broadens your vision, and you develop an acceptance for the diversity of the world. You can relate to the sufferings of those around you. Reading makes you a less judgmental and more positive person. 

The Bottom-line:

From broadening your vision to helping you morph into a better and knowledgeable person, reading can change you for good. Becoming an avid reason is the best thing that can happen to anyone; it is food for your soul. Put aside your delaying strategy, get some good reads, and started adding up to your growth process, a growth towards being a better person! 

French Grammar

What is an adjective in French?

So if you want to improve your French speaking, and if you want to learn more about the placement of French adjectives in a sentence.

You will discover easy ways to help you understand French adjectives and  French grammar rules.

Wouldn’t be amazing to speak without asking yourself if your sentence make sense?

Would you like to find your words easily and express your opinions accurately?

Before starting our grammar journey about adjectives, remember that learning French is fun and easy. Stop telling yourself how hard French is and start focusing on the positive.

Yes, you read that right. Learning French can be easy. There are many simple tools you can use to simplify your French learning and make swift progress in the language.

Take the “hardest” grammar and vocabulary points and make them yours, by following French Lessons Australia Free Lessons.

To start your language journey today, let’s dive into the first thing to know about Adjectives.

1. How to use French Adjectives?

Adjectives are used to qualify a thing or a person.


Grasse est la capitale mondiale des parfums.

(Grasse is the world capital of perfume.)

They agree in gender and number with the noun to which they relate.

In general, they take a -e in the feminine, and a -s in the plural.


– Il est grand et fort. He is big and strong. (masculine singular)

– Elle est grande et forte. She is tall and strong. (feminine singular)

– Ils sont grands et forts. They are tall and strong. (Plural masculine)

– Elles sont grandes et fortes. They are big and strong. (Feminine plural).

Some adjectives change form to feminine. Here is a list.

Some common adjectives are irregular. Their feminine versions follow another rule.
2. Where do we put them?

Generally, most qualifying adjectives are placed after the noun.

However, some are placed before the name. Here is, in a schematic form, the general rule.

2.What do we have to do when a noun has two French adjectives or more?

1 If the two adjectives normally go before the noun, they go together with an

Ex. A good and nice boy Un bon et gentil garçon.

2 If an adjective goes before the noun and one after, they are both placed after the noun with “and”:

Ex. A good and hearty meal. Un repas bon et copieux.

3 We can put an adjective before and after:

Ex. A beautiful gray hat. Un beau chapeau gris.

4 If the two adjectives normally go after the noun they are placed there with on and

Ex: She is a friendly and sincere woman. C’est une femme amicale et sincère.

Remember We do not put a long adjective before a noun of a single syllable.

That’s all for adjectives.


You have all you need to speak French.If you want more you can go to our website and find out more about French grammar and vocabulary.

If you want to practice your French conversation  just enroll in one of our amazing French Lessons.

French Online Courses

Negative Sentence in French with Examples

Before proceeding, answer the below questions

  1. Have you ever been in trouble with negative sentences in French?
  2. Is it tricky for you to build a negative sentences in French that make sense?
  3. Do you need to improve your French?
  4. Do you want to speak French Fluently?

If the answer is Yes! Just read through this lesson on Negative Sentences.

You will get a better understanding of French grammar and be able to speak and write French more fluently!

French Negative Sentences Examples

Je ne danse pas. I do not dance !

But if you put the “ne” “pas” anywhere in the sentence, it won’t make much sense.

Our lesson here will help you to understand this.

French is such a wonderful language, you have many different ways to say No.

Never, not yet, nothing, nobody, no one, no more, not any longer or not at all !

In this course, we will explain how to use all these negative sentences.


How to easily write negative sentences in French?

In French, we can turn a positive phrase into a negative one with the use of two words “ne” “pas”.


But where do we have to put them?

No worries, we will help you with all of this.

If you want your sentence to make sense you have to be careful and you need to add “ne” before the conjugated verb and “pas” after it.

Learning French is easy when you have the right rules.

Look at these examples:

  • Je fume. (I smoke)
  • Je ne fume pas. (I do not smoke)

It is quite simple. Even if you change the tense.

Note that in front of a vowel “ne” becomes “n’” It’s easier to pronounce.

  • Je n’ai pas fumé. (I do not smoke)
  • Je n’aime pas le chocolat. (I do not like chocolate)
  • Je n’attrape pas de poisson à la pêche. (I do not catch fish when fishing)

Before going any further, it’s essential for you to know that there are two cases where you have to be careful while using “ne” “pas”.

With the past compound (passé composé) and the near future (futur proche) you have to put “ne” in front of the first conjugated verb and “pas” just after that one.

Since the passé composé is constructed using avoir or être + past participle, you only put “ne” + “pas” around the conjugated verb, that is être or avoir.

The near future tense is constructed using aller + infinitive verb. In this case, make sure you put “ne” and “pas” around “aller” and not around the infinitive verb.


Negative Sentences in French Examples:

Je n’ai pas mangé de chocolat hier. (I did not eat chocolate yesterday)

Je ne vais pas aller à Londres demain. (I am not going to London tomorrow)


Negative Sentence

Be also careful while using object pronouns, for instance if you want to say I did not eat it yesterday, Je ne l’ai pas mangé hier! (while speaking of the chocolate)!

When there is an object pronoun, instead of ne + verb + pas, you say ne + pronoun + verb + pas.

Paul ne fera pas cet exercice. (Paul will not do this exercise)

Paul ne le fera pas. (Paul will not do it)

Je ne prends pas le train. (I do not take the train)

Je ne le prends pas. (I do not take it)

This is exactly the same while using pronominal verbs. The construction is ne + pronoun + verb + pas.

Vous vous levez tôt le matin. (You get up early in the morning.)

Vous ne vous levez pas tôt le matin. (You do not get up early in the morning.)

Different nuances of negation exist. If you want to learn how to use Never, Not yet, Nothing, nobody, No one, No more, Not at all in French refer to this table

Negative expressions in French

Negative Sentences

French negative expressions Examples:

Je ne vais jamais au cinéma.
Je ne dors pas encore.
Je ne mange rien.
Je ne veux voir personne.
Je ne t’aime plus.
Je ne te comprends pas tu tout.
I never go to the cinema.
I am not asleep yet.
I eat nothing.
I do not want to see anyone.
I do not love you anymore.
I do not understand you at all.

Now you have all you need to speak and write Negative Sentences in French properly. Just a quick note before ending this lesson.

You probably have noticed that most of the time French People drop the “ne” while speaking. They say , j’aime pas instead of je n’aime pas.

It’s quite common in an informal communication, but do not drop the “ne” in writing.

If you want to practice your French, or improve your verbal communication, just enroll in one of our wonderful classes at French Lessons Australia.

Do you really want to learn a New Language Online at home luxury?
French Online Courses

Do you really want to learn a New Language Online at home ?

Learning a foreign language opens us up to new experiences, work opportunities, and allows us to meet people we may never have otherwise.


Learning a new language can help tremendously with your career prospects, your college education and experiences, travel, and personal enjoyment of the arts and culture.

Everyone should learn a new language, especially French, as this is a most popular language across the world. English may be spoken all over the world, but that doesn’t  mean it’s the most popular language or that you’re not missing out if you choose to associate exclusively with English speakers.

Online learning is the most wonderful technique to learn new language without the Classroom, lectures or professors, at luxury of your home. The 1st and the most important question is “Why leaning Online”.

Reasons to learn new language Online

If the learning a language were easy and fast then we would all be multilingual. The truth is that learning a language and speaking it well takes time, dedication and determination. Face-to-face tuition and language immersion are generally regarded as the best ways to learn a language.

  1. Flexible Location & Timing: Online courses, classes and apps allow you to study when you want and where you want. Essentially they give you the opportunity to take responsibility for your own education, in any setting, at any time of the day (or night). So, you now have more control over the learning process.
  1. Online Resources available: There are endless resourceson the internet, so it’s a pretty deep resource to tap into,  as per your own comfortability and time zone.
  1. Personalized Classes: Private Online classroom options give you a chance to get more personalised communication, learning practise and consolidate what you have learnt in the classroom. In this way, you can save some money, compared to enrolling in a local university, institution or college
  2. Affordable Cost: Not only do online classes never ever close, and not only are they served for affordable prices on a silver platter, but some of them have been structured so that it feels like you’re just watching TV or playing video games. Studies have shown that multimedia enhances memory and learning. So not only are you having fun, you’re also learning more effectively.

Online Language learning rules


  1. Consistency in learning: If you wish to know the secrets of the learning new language online, one of your major takeaways will be the steadiness. Putting constant efforts in one direction to learn new language online, will not only helps you archive the success within no time but also helps to reach towards the goal, in a super easier way.
  2. Appropriate Timing: Time management is most critical for Online Learning or distance learning. Online courses give students the flexibility to take their class anytime, anywhere. The trick, students say, is staying on top of them. Doing so requires discipline and commitment, these traits any successful student should possess no matter what path they’re taking to complete their online learning. Always be smart with your timing to be chosen to start your online learning classes.
  3. Google Use for right choice & Decision making: Before joining any organization for learning new language, it’s always a very good idea to do research about the institution you are going to join for the classes. Read the reviews about the study material to be provided during the online classes and access how engaging it is. Always recommended to have a look at all the available option and then take the best decision to join the best one.
  4. Friends & business Group for communication: Learning in a group beats learning alone anytime. Learn a language together as a community or with friends is the best thumb rule to learn new language in a faster way. Start communicating on Skype with the people having the same goals as you, love the same target language you do and make the same grammar mistakes you make.

 How to get started learning Online

Like learning any language, all that’s required is a little time, motivation and an effective method. If you want to get started learning French language, I would highly recommend French Lessons Australia French Lessons Australia offers fun, engaging French language lessons for everyone’s need. 

French Online courses covered from beginner, intermediate and advanced conversation classes to Business French for adults, travellers & corporate sector.

frenchlessonsaustralia.com.au  |  0415 799 620  | info@frenchlessons-australia.com.au

Wish you the best of luck in your language learning journey!

How to learn French by using effective learning tools?
French Vocabulary, Learning New Language

How to learn French by using effective learning tools?

There are many learning tools available online and are very effective for learning French.

If you want to learn French then you will have to undergo a proper language training & learning tools & module because learning a foreign language like French it is not

If you want to learn French then you will have to undergo a proper language training module because learning a foreign language like French it is not easy task, and it becomes more challenging to learn without proper lessons like, vocabulary, writing, reading, grammar and comprehension skills.

Now French is one of the most promising and demanding foreign languages and if you learn it completely then you are in for a variety of career opportunities. Apart from that, learning French is also effective for businessmen because they can easily handle and communicate with their foreign clients through their native language and it can be a great outcome for their business exposition and expansion.


What are the French learning tools?

There are different kinds of French learning tools available online and most of them are free. Some of them are given below:

  • Busuu: If you want to learn French in your android mobile then you can easily use this French learning tool. The best part about this tool is that it uses android and also the website applications. You can derive the most important things like the meanings and utterances, accents and also the ways of everyday conversations when you start using this tool.
  • FrenchPod: This is also a technically-advanced French learning tool that can facilitate your learning of this foreign language. It is a combination of Podcast and free website that makes your whole learning process full of fun and interesting. You learn many new facets of French conversation on each new day that you try to use this FrenchPod.


The BBC materials in French

In order to get both the basic and the advanced learning materials in French, you can switch on to the BBC course modules for French. The short phrases, axioms, French proverbs, grammatical arrangement and vocabulary are very well-explained by the BBC learning methods. In fact, if you opt for the French lessons Sydney, you will have an access to an array of great materials for learning French with the most error-free pronunciation.


What are the other French language tools that you can avail from us?

 At French Lessons Australia, we try to make you more conversant with the wide variety of resources that we have:

  • Video tutorials
  • French books and audio book recordings in French
  • We also try to guide you by making you read French newspapers and French dictionaries
  • French Radio online is a great learning tool that comes handy when you want to learn French
  • Pronunciation charts, grammar tables, and written tests are some of the other devices that act not just as learning tools but that also make you learn many new words and sentences in French

Apart from all these, you can also take the help of the internet, and the Collins Pocket Guide to learning French. Or else, you can just contact Amelie for learning French lessons Australia. You can reach her on  info@frenchlessons-australia.com.au or  0415 799 620.

French Online Courses

How can Learning French at French lessons Benefits Your Career

More than 220 million individuals on the planet communicate in French, regardless of whether as their first or second language and this is the second most generally learned language and the 6th most broadly communicated in language. There are numerous examinations on how learning a subsequent language can profit you just as French lessons Brisbane, beginning from further building up your range of abilities in this way expanding your vocation openings and right to harvesting psychological favorable circumstances like being more astute, better performing various tasks, memory improvement, changes in one’s observation and basic leadership process. Communicating in an unknown dialect can lead the best approach to extraordinary encounters in your work, instruction, and travel.

Boost Your Vocation Alternatives

Whatever your calling and occupation, learning French will assist you with addressing customers, sellers, and workers in various countries. In any case, if you are dealing with worldwide business or legislative issues, French is exceptionally useful — affiliations like NATO, the United Nations, and even the International Olympic Committee are altogether utilizing French as an official course.

Improve Your Travel Experiences

Indeed, even essential information on French can make voyaging simpler and increasingly pleasant, enabling you to speak with individuals at lodgings, eateries, and travel frameworks.

A Gateway to Culture

Appreciation of French techniques for design, culinary articulations, theater, movement, visual articulations, and innovation is gradually opening up. Moreover, you will have the alternative to scrutinize model works of composing by authors, for instance, Victor Hugo, Anatole, France, Molière, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, and others all in their novel dialect.

Increment Your Education Opportunities

On the off chance that you arrive at a sufficiently high level in French, you might have the option to select at a top college in a French-talking nation. This not just allows you to pick up your alumni or postgraduate qualification, concentrating abroad empowers you to encounter an alternate lifestyle and improve your insight into the French language.

Utilize French As a Starting Point for Other Languages

On the off chance that you might want to become familiar with a few dialects, French is a decent spot to start. For English speakers, French is sensibly simple to get, allowing you to quickly reach an essential level of conversation, which can improve your certainty of handling additional dialect testing.

Advantages Of Learning French For Your Future

In this day and age, communicating in one unknown dialect isn’t sufficient. Understudies that finished a French drenching program abroad have better their odds of getting a new line of work, regardless of whether abroad or at home.

French as an unknown dialect is the second most of the time showed language on the planet after English. French and English are the main two worldwide dialects.

Have this as a primary concern when you pursue your first French exercise for learners or while doing your French language exercises.

For what reason is it advantageous to gain proficiency with a subsequent language

Past the scholarly advantages, information on an unknown dialect, for example, French encourages travel, upgrades vocation openings, and empowers one to study various people groups and societies.


As should be obvious, learning French has numerous advantages. Regardless of whether you need to extend your insight with a couple of French exercises, to additionally propel your capability and improve your profession chances with genuine discussions, be a superior multitasker or basically make your movements agreeable and lovely there are numerous incredible French inundations programs for everybody in Paris, Bordeaux, Montpellier, and Cote d’Azur coastline.

French Online Courses

Why Audio Lessons are Important in Studying French

In the wake of going through months taking in French from the typical books you at last travel to France, and there a shock! The French individuals you are conversing with can’t get you. Your French sentences are right, your French articulation appears to be correct… what’s going on? So many organizations are working to provide peoples better opportunities to learn French well just as learn French Brisbane.

The Disparity between English Spoken and French Spoken

The issue with taking in French from books is that communicated in French – French everyone utilizes each day altogether different from the “scholastic French” you’ll find in books.

Not exclusively does the articulation change however the contacts are unique, the glidings are significantly more present and a portion of the French pronouns or articles appear to vanish out and out

Your French language aptitudes could be book great, you will make some hard memories in the city, conversing with flawlessly “ordinary” French individuals.

studying french

Watch out: when I state “the road”, I’m not discussing slang French or “gangsta” French… Just the advanced French language everyone utilizes these days – well, perhaps not 70 years of age government officials on TV, yet the remainder of us in ordinary circumstances.

if your objective in learning French is simply to peruse and examine French Literature or breeze through-composed assessments, at that point taking in French from books will be adequate.

Most grown-ups, be that as it may, learn French to have the option to travel in Francophone nations and have the option to cooperate with individuals. For this situation, you have to become familiar with the present French and, particularly, hear “genuine” communicated in French elocution.

The Benefits of Learning Today’s French Through Audio

An ideal case of the contrast between communicated in French today and in books is the expression: “Il n’y a pas de quoi”.

The normal French individual will articulate it: “ya cushion koa”. As you talk, the seven syllables that you learned on paper become four! No big surprise you start questioning your French language aptitude.

This is the reason you have to hear, not simply perusing, all that you are examining is vital to bring your French articulation and listening aptitudes adequate with local “road” French.

Besides, tuning in to French sound exercises should be possible anyplace, in your vehicle, on the treadmill, while planting…

Finding the Right Audio Tool

There is a great deal of sound material out there, and it is significant you invest energy choosing the one that is directly for you.

This is particularly significant in case you are a child or middleman since the sound material with which you work should be difficult, but achievable, and give you a sense of accomplishment.

It is significant as you are building your insight into the language that you likewise manufacture your self-assurance in it. I worked an entire article about discovering your French level and right book recording to consider, I recommend you read it.

I am predisposed to my very own material that I structured explicitly for that reason. Look at my reachable French book recordings and simple French books.


Learning French can be exceptionally fulfilling and an incredible aptitude in your arms stockpile however you need to ensure that the French you learn can be utilized on your next outing to Paris, else, you will get debilitated rapidly with your French language tries.

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