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40 Romantic French Phrases You Should Know

French is often considered as the language of love and romance. In this article, we compiled the most romantic French Phrases and expressions you can use during your special occasions like Valentine’s Day, Wedding anniversary etc

« Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction ».

Love doesn’t mean gazing at each other, but looking, together, in the same direction.

Antoine de St-Exupéry

Ah l’Amour, le beau, le vrai, le grand! (Ah love, the beautiful one, the real one, the true one!).

What would life be without love? Not as wonderful I’d imagine!

Declaring your love to the person of your dreams can be a bit daunting so why not imagine a very romantic way to express it?

And what’s more romantic than telling someone you love him/her than by saying it in the language of love, French? Not only will you impress your loved one, you will also make his/her heart melt and you will, therefore, become irresistible !

You’re already in a relationship?

Telling your partner romantic French phrases will add some originality and spice to your relationship! You’re planning a trip to France?

Well, let me tell you: you cannot fully immerse yourself in French without knowing some romantic French words. You never know where a night out in a lovely French town can lead you to…

Whichever way you look at it, learning romantic French Phrases and expressions is a must when it comes to love!

In this article, I will teach you some romantic French Phrases and quotes for you to romance your darling (to be).

Maintenant, tombons amoureux en français! (Now, let’s fall in love in French!)

1) Comment draguer en français? /How to flirt in French?

You have just met the woman/man of your dreams so it’s now time to woo her/him (woo is faire la cour in French). I will tell you how! Some expressions might seem a bit cheesy but still they are so attractive. Learn them, build your confidence up and go and seduce that lovely person you cannot stop thinking about!

Je peux vous offrir un verre?

This means : Can I get you a drink? Imagine the scene: a lovely summer afternoon, you’re sat outside a bar enjoying the sunshine when suddenly you see that beautiful lady. Offering someone a drink is a great way to start a conversation! You could also buy this person a coffee: Je peux vous offrir un cafĂ©?

Vous venez souvent par ici?

If you think offering a drink to somebody straight away is a bit too straight forward, you could simply ask them if they often comes around here and therefore say “vous venez souvent par ici?”.

Vous ĂŞtes cĂ©libataire? C’est impossible!

Don’t we all like a bit of flattering? Of course, we do! So here is a sentence to boost your loved one ego: Vous ĂŞtes cĂ©libataire? C’est impossible! (You are single? That’s impossible!)


2) Sentences to totally avoid when flirting in French!

If there are sentences to say when flirting in French, there also are sentences to avoid!

Here are a couple of phrases you shouldn’t say at the risk of sounding slightly ponderous…

T’es trop charmante!

Have you ever been in the situation where you’re walking down the street and you hear someone whistling at you? How cringy?! Well, telling a girl “t’es trop charmante” (word for word: you’re too charming) would have a similar effect. Calling someone charming isn’t obviously bad but saying “trop charmante” (too charming) would appear rather uneducated.

C’est quoi ton 06?

In France, most mobile numbers start with 06. Therefore asking someone for his “06” is the equivalent of asking him for his mobile number in a very rude and so unromantic way.

3) French Romantic Phrases you should know to say to your love

The flirting stage is over. It’s now time to move onto more serious matters and to become romantic. In the following grid, I wrote some French romantic phrases you should learn and say to your chĂ©ri (your darling)!.

French romantic phrases Translation
Je t’apprĂ©cie. I care for you.
Je t’aime bien. I like you.
Je t’aime. I love you.
Je suis amoureux (male) I’m in love.
Je suis amoureuse (female) I’m in love.
Tu es la femme de ma vie/de. mes rĂŞves You are the woman of my life/of my dreams.
Tu es l’homme de ma vie/de mes rĂŞves. You are the man of my life/of my dreams.
Tu es l’amour de ma vie. You are the love of my life.
Je veux passer ma vie avec toi. I want to spend my life with you.
Je veux ĂŞtre avec toi pour toujours. I want to be with you forever.
J’ai besoin de toi. I need you.
Je ne peux pas m’empĂŞcher de penser Ă  toi. I can’t stop thinking about you.
Tu me rends heureux (male). You make me happy.
Tu me rends heureuse (female). You make me happy.
Tu es très beau (male) You are very beautiful.
Tu es très belle (female) You are very beautiful.
Tu as des yeux magnifiques. You have amazing eyes.
J’aime ton sourire. I love your smile.
Tu es parfait (male). You are perfect.
Tu es parfaite (female). You are perfect.
Tu me fascines. I am passionate about you.
J’aimerais te revoir. I would like to see you again.
Embrasse-moi. Kiss me.
Embrasse-moi comme tu m’aimes. Kiss me like you love me.
Prends moi dans tes bras. Take me in your arms.
Fais moi un câlin. Hug me.
J’ai envie de toi. I want you.
J’ai envie de te faire l’amour. I want to make love to you.

4)  Romantic questions in French

You my also want to ask questions to the love of your life. Here are some of the most important ones.

French romantic questions Translation
M’apprĂ©cies-tu? Do you care for me?
M’aimes-tu? Do you love me?
Es-tu amoureux de moi? (male) Are you in love with me?
Es-tu amoureuse de moi? (female) Are you in love with me?
Veux-tu ĂŞtre mon petit ami? (male) Do you want to be my boyfriend?
Veux-tu ĂŞtre ma petite amie? (female) Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Veux-tu m’Ă©pouser? Will you marry me?


Here is all you need to know to charm a French person.

Side Note: Want a light introduction to French grammar and vocabulary? Check Out Our French Course for Beginners


Tell him/her some of these romantic French words and let the magic begin! I wish you both a long and happy loving life together!

Enjoy this article?

Which french romantic phrases are you going to use with your loved one

Let me know by leaving a quick comment below right now.

French Online Courses

How to conjugate passe compose with avoir ?

How to download useful tools to conjugate avoir in the past compound (Passé Composé) tense in French

The passé composé (compound past) is an action or event completed in the past.

The action has just taken places and it has just ended: the consequence of this action is perceptible at the moment of speaking.

Charlotte est partie, she’s gone. She not here anymore.

Passé Composé is to compound as it is made up of two elements.

It is made up of the verb, to be or to have (ĂŞtre ou avoir) and the main verb, which expresses what action took place. (partir / to go)

Examples of Passé Composé  :

J’ai mangé. I have eaten.

Je suis tombé. I have fallen down

Charlotte est partie. Charlotte is gone.

To make the compound past tense you take ĂŞtre or avoir in the present tense followed by the past participle of the verb.

Most compound past tense use avoir (to have). So it is necessary to revisit this much used well known verb avoir.

If you want to learn more about French conjugation and more particularly more about avoir in the past compound tense, click here to download our free French lesson.

A Spotlight on the verb Avoir at the past compound (Passé Composé) in French.

Here you are !

Welcome to our fabulous French lesson about the verb avoir and the compound past tense.

It may sound tricky to understand how this rule works. but do not be afraid, it is simpler than you think speaking French can be so easy.

First, remember this simple rule:

Like all compound conjugations, the passé composé may be subject to grammatical agreement.

  • When the auxiliary verb is ĂŞtre, the past participle must agree with the subject
  • When the auxiliary verb is avoir, the past participle may have to agree with its DIRECT OBJECT

This is the most important thing to know ! When you get this, you got it!

Now let’s take it further. You just need 3 steps to get it.

1. Avoir at the present tense

At the past compound (Passsé Composé)  we conjugate Avoir at the present tense. So easy !


2. Past participle

To make your sentence at the compound past you just have to add the main verb. This one has to be conjugated at the past participle.

 But there are lot of exceptions.

Let’s have a look at some simple examples and improve your French:

From the first group. The past participle is always Ă©.

J’ai dansé toute la nuit.
J’ai partagé un bon repas
I danced all night long.
I shared a good meal.

From the second group. The past participle is always i.

RĂ©ussir – do
J’ai fini toute ma soupe.
J’ai réussi cet exercice
I finished all my soup.
I did my exercise.

From the third group. The past participle changes.

Sortir- go out
J’ai reconnu ce tableau.
J’ai entendu ce chant.
J’ai vu ce film.
J’ai sorti le chien
J’ai pris mon temps.
I recognized this painting.
I heard this song.
I saw this movie.
I walked the dog
I took my time.

3. Agreement

The most important thing to know is, with the compound past tense when conjugated with avoir agreement with the object pronoun occurs BEFORE the verb.

It seems crazy ! but it’s not. It’s easy.

Just look at these examples.

In English the sentence is :

John walked his two lovely dogs. John walked them.

In French:

John a sorti ses deux adorables chiens.

Il les a sortis.

In the first sentence, the verb doesn’t agree with the subject because it is conjugated with avoir. It does not agree with the direct object either because this one is placed after the verb. The direct object is “les adorables chiens”.

Whereas in the second sentence the direct object is placed before the verb.

“Les adorables chiens” has been replaced by “les” which is a direct object pronoun. So “sortir” has to agree with the direct object “les” which are the dogs.

I told you! it’s straightforward! Just to make sure you understand it properly, I give you more examples here and in no time you will speak fluently.

J’ai acheté de belles robes.

Je les ai achetées.

J’ai cuisiné des raviolis.

Je les ai cuisinés.

Ils ont cueilli des fleurs. Les fleurs Ă©taient belles.

Les fleurs qu’ils ont cueillies étaient belles.

I bought beautiful dresses.

I bought them.

I cooked ravioli.

I cooked them.

They picked flowers. The flowers were lovely.

The flowers they picked were lovely.

Now the only way to get familiar with all of this, is to enrol in one of our terrific French conversation classes.

Do not hesitate and contact us now at French Lessons Australia.

We are here to help you improve your French

French Grammar, French Online Courses

How to be more confident with French Homophones?

Are you asking yourself if you are the only one to get confused with some words in French language?

Have you ever said a few lines of nonsense or replied to someone with something that sounded crazy?

No big deal in the long run, but these situations can be avoided you just need to learn your French homophones!

French Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings and, sometimes, spellings.

Therefore, speaking the language out of context could be a nightmare.

Sometimes intonations help but, the context is of utmost importance.

French Lessons Australia can help you to be more confident with French vocabulary.

By following this free French class, you will to be able to understand words in context,and to understand the difference between the most common French homophones.

1. How to be more confident with French Homophones?

Our online French lesson will help you with Homophones.

Many errors are made to the confusion of words that sound similar but do not have the same meaning.

These words are called homophones.

They are pronounced in the same way but they have neither the same meaning nor the same spelling.

While some say that is just the fun of the French language, we’re going to greatly reduce your chance of getting into those embarrassing situations by going over some common and confusing homophones right now. To speak French more fluently discover the list below.

We list here the most common homophones in alphabetical order:

Homophones aren’t something to stress over, especially since we just went through most of the major ones. Keep them in a notebook and if you want to practice, just enrol now in one of our wonderful French active class.

At French Lessons Australia it is not just about learning French in classroom it’s also about fun and entertainment!

Click here to discover more about our FRENCH  CLASSES 

Interrogative Pronouns
French Online Courses, French Vocabulary

What are Interrogative Pronouns?

How to ask question about the identity of a person or an object

Lequel? What does that mean?

Did you know that Lequel has to agree in gender and number, and as a result, there are several forms of Interrogative Pronouns?

Do you know how to use interrogative pronouns in French? And what are they?

Lequel, which usually means which, is one of the most difficult French pronouns.

But with a clear French lesson, we can make it easy for you.

The French interrogative pronouns

How can we use interrogative pronouns to speak and write French properly?

Follow this free French lesson and you will discover all about French interrogative pronouns.

Interrogative pronouns can be either simple – qui que quoi or compound – lequel laquelle lesquelles and so on.

Lequel is an interrogative pronoun as well as qui que quoi.

It has to agree in gender and number with the noun it replaces.

Take a look at the simple table :

The most common interrogative pronouns are qui (for people) and que (for everything else).

Singular Plural Indefinite
Masculine lequel lesquels; qui, que, quoi
Feminine laquelle lesquelles

Here are a few examples;

“Qui ?” means “Who ?” Is most of the time masculine singular, and applies only to people.

  • Qui est lĂ  ? Who’s here ?

“Que ?” Is neutral, it means What.

  • Que fais-tu ? What are you doing?

“Quoi ?” Is usually neutral and singular. It is employed with a preposition such as Ă  or de.

  • A quoi penses-tu? What are you thinking about?
  • De quoi parles-tu? What are you talking about?

“Lequel ?”

Lequel can replace quel + noun.

The interrogative pronoun Lequel means Which. It represents one or more people or things already refered to immediately after the pronoun.

It involves a choice between several members of a group (people or things). Lequel agrees in gender and number with the name that replaces.

Singular Plural
Masculine Lequel chantera ce soir ?

Which one will sing tonight?

Lesquels sont Australiens parmi vous ?

Which ones are Australians among you?

Feminine Laquelle de vous est Laura ?

Which one of you is Laura?

Lesquelles de vos filles jouent du piano ?

Which ones of your daughters play the piano?

If you want to learn more or just practice your French, contact us at French Lessons Australia, we can offer new courses so the opportunities to learn and improve are always growing. Do not hesitate and enrol now for your first French Class.

Check our grammar online course HERE.

Interrogative Adverbs
French Online Courses

Interrogative Adverbs

How to ask questions in French with interrogative adverbs?

Are you asking yourself how to ask specific questions such as When Why Where What how many or How much in French Language?

If so, you’re at the right place. French

Lesson Australia will give you all the keys to find out about on the interrogative adverbs.

How to ask questions with Interrogative adverbs?

Asking different kinds of questions will help you manage every kind of day-to-day interactions in French. You need to ask questions in order to find out what’s going on!

Interrogative adverbs are used to ask for new information or facts.

In everyday life, there are 5 (only!!) interrogative adverbs whereas there are 7 in English. You see! French is easy. Let’s learn French now.

French interrogative adverbs are:

• combien (de) – how many/much

• comment – how, what

• oĂą – where

• pourquoi – why

• quand – when

In English, we use helping words like DO / DOES or AM / IS / ARE when asking questions.

In French, this is not necessary because it’s implied in the question.



Combien de personnes as-tu invitées à ton anniversaire ?

Combien de personnes est-ce que tu as invitées à ton anniversaire

How many people have you invited to your birthday party?

Note: When following by a noun Combien requires preposition “de”


Comment t’appelles-tu ?

Comment est-ce que tu t’appelles ?

What’s your name ?

In certain sentences; Comment means How.

Comment vas-tu ?

Comment est-ce que tu vas ?

How are you?


OĂą habites-tu ?

OĂą est-ce que tu habites ?

Where do you live ?

Sometimes the preposition de is required in front of the interrogative adverb oĂą. They should not appear at the end of the sentence!

D’où vient ce chien?

D’où est-ce que ce chien vient ?

From where does this dog come ?

(Where does this dog come from ?)


Pourquoi pleurez-vous ?

Pourquoi est-ce que vous pleurez ?

Why are you crying?

If you want to answer this question you have to use Parce que (because)

Parce que je suis tombée

Because I fell down.


Quand part le train ?

Quand est-ce que le train part ?

When does the train leave?

Good to know! Interrogative adverbs are invariable!

Now; you’re ready to speak French and ask questions!

Learn more and practice with our French Classes at French lessons Australia.

French Online Courses

French Possessive Adjectives

Mon, Ta, Notre, Leur

How to understand French Possessive Adjectives Better

There are many French possessive adjectives so let’s learn them in this French lesson and make it clear and simple.

In English, you have 8 possessives : My your his her its our your and their.

In French, you have 10 more.

So, If you are asking yourself how to learn French in an efficient and simple way, join us today at French lessons Australia and click here to know more about the French possessive adjectives.

How to understand French Possessive Adjectives Better?

Here we are!

How to speak French like a native.

Just go through this French Learning…

The French possessive adjectives are related to the noun.

They are words that say to whom or to what something belongs.

In English they are:

My Your His Her It’s Our Your (when you’re talking to more than one person) and Their.

In French, they are a few more.

You might remember that all French nouns are either masculine or feminine: As a result, all possessive adjectives in French have to agree with the gender of the noun.

Let’s put all of them in a table so you can understand clearly how it works.

Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine
In front of a consonant In front of a vowel
Singular Persons First Pers MON MA MON MES
Plurals Persons First Pers NOTRE NOS
Second Pers VOTRE VOS

You might have noticed that there’s no “its” in this table. This is because French possessive adjectives relate to the noun, and every noun has a gender.

There’s no need for the gender-neutral “its

Examples :

My Father
mon père
My mother
ma mère
His father
son père
Her mother
ma mère

She has her book.

Elle a son livre.

It’s my car.

C’est ma voiture.

Our friends come tonight.

Nos amis viennent ce soir.

My Neighbor’s’ cat ; his name is Moustache.

Le chat de ma voisine ; son chat s’appelle Moustache.

Your home is very nice.

Votre maison est très belle.

Their children are adorable.

Leurs enfants sont adorables.

The best way to make it yours is to practice, so click here to register at French lessons Australia.

French Online Courses, French Vocabulary

How to deal with un, une, des in French ?

Je mange une tarte et je bois un café avec des amies.

If you want to know more about the French indefinite articles  go through this French lesson and you will know how to speak French properly.

Click here

Do you want to learn how to deal with un, une, des in French. There is No need to attend a French class to understand the French indefinite articles!

It’s very simple!! French articles are necessary to determine the gender of the noun. You cannot make a sentence without an article or a noun.

Un café très chaud.

The noun café needs the article to fit with the sentence.

The French indefinite article (un, une, des in French)  is used with a noun referring to an unspecified item, or to a specific item when the speaker and audience both do not know what the item is.

In English there are three kinds of singular articles «a,” “an,” or “one”.

In French there are only two.

Un for the masculine noun.

Une for the feminine noun.

The plural “some” in English corresponds to “des.” In French.

Des   m or f plural

Note that the plural indefinite article is the same for all nouns, whereas the singular has different forms for masculine and feminine.

Learning French & un, une, des in French is easy! Test yourself by doing this simply test.

What you should put in front of these nouns?

Bicyclette                                           une

Ordinateurs                                       des

Pain au chocolat                              un

Leçon de français                            une

Joueur de foot                                  un

Parties de tennis                              des


Caution !

In a negative sentence, the indefinite article changes to de or d’ in front of a vowel.

Il mange un pain au chocolat.

Il ne mange pas de pain au chocolat. (negative sentence with ne …pas)

Il mange un artichaut (artichoke).

Il ne mange pas d’artichaut.


Once again do the test!

DE or D’

Il ne boit pas … café.                       De       He doesn’t drink coffee.

Ils ne partent pas …. Paris             De       They do not leave from Paris.

Le client n’a pas … argent.            D’        The customer does not have cash.

Pierre n’a pas … amis.                    D’        Pierre does not have friends.


When referring to a person’s profession or religion, the indefinite is not used in French, although it is used in English.

Je suis professeure de français.

I am a french teacher.

If you want to learn more about French definite articles Click Here

If you want to practice your French join us at French lessons Australia and enroll into one of our class.

French Online Courses

French Vocab Most Common Verbs

What are the most important things when you start learning a language?

Let your French learning journey begin with this Vocabulary unit. What are the most common verbs in French ? You need vocabulary to express clearly your ideas and opinions. And you also need verbs. Verbs are very important to learn in every language.

You may ask what are the most used verbs in French?

There are plenty verbs in French!

Not even a native French speaker knows all the verbs in French so there is no need to know all of them. But You must start to memorise some of the simple verbs.

Don’t forget to check out all our French lesson classes to be able to conjugate verbs at French Lessons Australia.

What are the most commonly used verbs in French?

The bad reputation of the French conjugation is largely undeserved!

It is true that there are a large number of the forms.

But it is the same in many languages. Moreover, most of these forms are predictable.

For example to make the past compound forms it is sufficient to have the following three pieces of information in order to form them correctly:

The form of the past participle of the verb; the auxiliary used and the conjugation of these two auxiliaries.

Today in this French learning we are going to develop the most common verbs in French

The 50 most used verbs in French

In English

In French

To be: I am a teacher
ĂŠtre: Je suis professeure.
To have: I have a lot of students
Avoir; J’ai beaucoup d’étudiants.
To Make: I make effort
Faire : Je fais des efforts.
To do: What are you doing?
Faire : Que fais-tu ?
To tell: I have to tell you something.
Dire : Je dois vous dire quelque chose.
To say: You said something interesting to me
Dire : Tu m’as dit quelque chose d’intéressant.
To can: I can speak French.
Pouvoir : Je peux parler Français.
To go: I go to the night club tonight.
Aller : Je vais en boite ce soir.
To see: I see what you mean
Voir : Je vois ce que tu veux dire.
To know: Who knows?
Savoir: Qui sait?
To want: I want an apple.
Vouloir : Je veux une pomme.
To come: Come to me.
Venir : Viens vers moi.
To put: Put this on the table please.
Mettre : Mets ça sur la table, s’il te plait.
To give: Give me the book.
Donner : Donne-moi le livre.
To take: I will take the bus.
Prendre : Je vais prendre le bus.
To have To: You have To stop smoking.
Falloir : Il faut arrĂŞter de fumer !
To give back: He gave me my cash back.
Rendre : Il m’a rendu ma monnaie.
To understand: I do not understand.
Comprendre : Je ne comprends pas.
To stay: I stayed there for three months.
Rester : Je suis restée là trois mois.
To hold: The baby holds his toy.
Tenir : Le bébé tient son jouet.
To speak: I speak French.
Parler : Je parle Français.
To show: Let me show you something.
Montrer : Laisse-moi te montrer quelque chose.
To think: I think of you.
Penser : Je pense Ă  toi.
To follow: Follow me.
Suivre : suivez-moi.
To believe: Believe me it’s true!
Croire : Crois-moi c’est vrai !
To Begin: Let the show begins!
Commencer : Que le spectacle commence!
To hear : I heard a bear !
Entendre : J’ai entendu un ours !
To wait : I am waiting for the bus.
Attendre: J’attends le bus.
To call : I called him yesterday.
Appeler : Je l’ai appelé hier.
To allow : It is not allowed.
Permettre : Ce n’est pas permis!
To become : It is becoming difficult.
Devenir : Ca devient difficile.
To leave : He leaves tomorrow.
Partir : Il part demain.
To seem : He seems happy.
Sembler : Il semble heureux.
To answer : I answer the phone.
Répondre : Je réponds au téléphone.
To live : I live in Brisbane.
Vivre : Je vis Ă  Brisbane.
To play : I play piano.
Jouer : Je joue du Piano.
To choose : Choose a subject.
Choisir : Choisis un sujet.
To like / love : I like pink !
Aimer : J’aime le rose.
To lose : I lost my dog.
Perdre : J’ai perdu mon chien.
To open : Open the door.
Ouvrir : Ouvre la porte.
To read : I read it
Lire : Je l’ai lu !
To try : You have to try this dress !
Essayer Tu dois essayer cette robe.
To learn : I am learning French.
Apprendre J’apprends le Français.
To teach : I teach French.
Enseigner : J’enseigne le Français.
To go out : I went out yesterday.
Sortir : Je suis sortie hier.
To get : I got an A in my test.
Obtenir : J’ai obtenu un A à mon examen.
To look for : I am looking for a job.
Chercher : Je cherche un emploi.
To bring : I will bring the wine.
Apporter : J’apporterai le vin.
To use : I use skype to teach.
Utiliser : J’utilise Skype pour enseigner.
To write : I am writing a letter.
Ecrire : J’écris une lettre.

If you would like to know how to conjugate all of them; just click here to speak French with us at French lessons Australia.

Yes, you really CAN learn French easily
French Online Courses, French Vocabulary

Yes, you really CAN learn French easily

French is a difficult language, but once you get to know the most common and useful verbs, it becomes a real piece of cake to master the basics!

You can Learn French Quickly and Easily. One of these verbs is the verb… POUVOIR.

The verb ”POUVOIR” is used a lot in French and can be translated in English by:

  • to be able to
  • to can
  • to be allowed to
  • to manage to

The particularity with this verb is that is it an irregular (which means tricky conjugation), but above all: it is a powerful verb!

It will make you able to say what you can do and to ask someone to do something for you!

Asking someone to do something:

Peux-tu faire les courses? -> Can you do the grocery shopping?

Pouvez-vous me donner le pain? -> Can you give me the bread?

Saying what you can/cannot do:

Je peux vous aider. -> I can help you.

Ma soeur peut t’apprendre le francais. -> My

sister can learn to you French.

Ma fille ne peut pas sortir ce soir. -> My daugher cannot go out tonight.

Then, the verb POUVOIR is also present in a few French expressions, check these ones:

Je n’en peux plus. -> I can’t do it anymore.

Je n’y peux rien. -> It’s not my fault.

Once you get the verb POUVOIR in mind, it becomes really easy to build basic but powerful sentences! Leave us a comment using this verb 🙂

If you want to know more about how to create easy and useful French sentences? We have a

large range of options for you available at French Lessons Australia!

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What do you WANT to do tonight to improve your French?

Today, at French Lessons Australia, we are teaching you the verb

”VOULOIR”, meaning ”to want” to improve your French!

Uses of ”vouloir”

Vouloir indicates a strong will or command: “to want” or “to wish”.

Vouloir often precede an infinitive.

Eg. Nous voulons aller au restaurant. -> We want to go to the restaurant.

There is also a famous French expression which is: en vouloir à , meaning ”to be angry at”.

Eg. J’en veux à ma soeur de m’avoir pris mes chaussures. -> I am angry at my sister for having taken my shoes.


Conjugation of ”vouloir”

Vouloir is an irregular verb, so study it well as it will be really useful in your conversations!

Invite someone!

In English, when you want to invite someone you usually use the conditional: ”Would you like to…go to the restaurant tonight?”

In French, no need to use the conditional (such a relief, right?), you will use the present: ”Tu veux…aller au restaurant ce soir?”

Learning French at French Lessons Australia is a good way to start a new language in a fun and result-based environment! Contact us at info@french-lessons-australia.com or check our available courses: online or in a course, you will always find what is right for you!


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