So if you want to improve your French speaking, and if you want to learn more about the placement of French adjectives in a sentence.
You will discover easy ways to help you understand French adjectives and French grammar rules.
Wouldn’t be amazing to speak without asking yourself if your sentence make sense?
Would you like to find your words easily and express your opinions accurately?
Before starting our grammar journey about adjectives, remember that learning French is fun and easy. Stop telling yourself how hard French is and start focusing on the positive.
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To start your language journey today, let’s dive into the first thing to know about Adjectives.
1. How to use French Adjectives?
Adjectives are used to qualify a thing or a person.
Grasse est la capitale mondiale des parfums.
(Grasse is the world capital of perfume.)
They agree in gender and number with the noun to which they relate.
In general, they take a -e in the feminine, and a -s in the plural.
– Il est grand et fort. He is big and strong. (masculine singular)
– Elle est grande et forte. She is tall and strong. (feminine singular)
– Ils sont grands et forts. They are tall and strong. (Plural masculine)
– Elles sont grandes et fortes. They are big and strong. (Feminine plural).
Some adjectives change form to feminine. Here is a list.

Generally, most qualifying adjectives are placed after the noun.
However, some are placed before the name. Here is, in a schematic form, the general rule.
2.What do we have to do when a noun has two French adjectives or more?
1 If the two adjectives normally go before the noun, they go together with an
Ex. A good and nice boy Un bon et gentil garçon.
2 If an adjective goes before the noun and one after, they are both placed after the noun with “and”:
Ex. A good and hearty meal. Un repas bon et copieux.
3 We can put an adjective before and after:
Ex. A beautiful gray hat. Un beau chapeau gris.
4 If the two adjectives normally go after the noun they are placed there with on and
Ex: She is a friendly and sincere woman. C’est une femme amicale et sincère.
Remember We do not put a long adjective before a noun of a single syllable.
That’s all for adjectives.
You have all you need to speak French.If you want more you can go to our website and find out more about French grammar and vocabulary.
If you want to practice your French conversation just enroll in one of our amazing French Lessons.