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Interrogative Adjectives

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Interrogative Adjectives-
French Grammar, Learning New Language

How to use interrogatives Adjectives in French?

Quelle histoire !!!

What are the interrogative adjectives ?

Quelles Quels Quelle Quel !! If you are asking yourself how to use interrogative adjectives and what are their different forms, follow this guide today !

In our French lesson today we will explain how many forms interrogative adjectives can have and how to ask questions with them.

Throughout our class today you will learn some common examples which will help you in everyday French conversation.

There is no need to attend.

What film do you want to watch?

What time does your train leave?

If you want to know more about all the French interrogatives Adjectives just click on the link here this and you will know how to speak and write French properly.

No need to attend a French class to understand the French interrogative adjectives.

It’s very simple with French Lessons Australia.

“Quel” is an interrogative French adjective that means which or What



Like most adjectives, it has four forms

Masculine singular Quel

Masculine plural Quels

Feminine singular Quelle

Feminie plural Quelles

Singular Plural
Masculine Quel Quels
Feminine Quelle Quelles

Have a look on the following examples!

Quel jour sommes nous ?

What day is it ?

Quels livres lis-tu?

Which books are you reading ?

Quelles expositions préfères-tu ?

What exhibitions do you prefer?

Quelle heure est-il ?

What time is it?

If you want to ask questions with Quel follow these simple rules.

  • • Questions with QUEL may be asked with est-ce que or inversion:

Quel film veux-tu aller voir ? ou Quel film est-ce que tu veux aller voir ?

  • What film do you want to watch?

Quelles chansons aime-t-elle ? Quelles chansons est-ce qu’elle aime ?

  • Which songs does she like ?
  • • Quel + a noun may be used with a preposition such as à or de

If you want to ask questions with Quel follow these simple rules.

  • • Questions with QUEL may be asked with est-ce que or inversion:

Quel film veux-tu aller voir ? ou Quel film est-ce que tu veux aller voir ?

  • What film do you want to watch?

Quelles chansons aime-t-elle ? Quelles chansons est-ce qu’elle aime ?

  • Which songs does she like ?
  • • Quel + a noun may be used with a preposition such as à or de

À quelle heure part ton train ? À quelle heure est-ce que ton train part ?

  • What time do your train leave?

De quel train parles-tu ?

  • Which train are you talking about?

To ask What is or What are you have to use Quel with être

Quel est le problème ?

What is your problem ?

Quels sont les règles du jeu ?

What are the rules of the game?

If you want to practice your French join us at French Lessons Australia and enroll into one of our amazing classes