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25 Awesome French blogs every French Learner Should Read

This article features the top 25 French blogs that every French learner from beginners to advanced level should read.

The Internet!

Such a wonderful and useful tool. Can you imagine living without it?


Me neither!

You can find more or less absolutely everything when you browse the web! From videos to music, from learning about gardening to learning a new language.

In other words, basically, everything. Okay, that’s fab but the only downside from it all is that you can get lost very easily in the huge amount of websites. Discovering the rare gem isn’t always easy.

Well, congratulations you have actually just found THE blog which lists the top 25 French blogs to follow!

If you got on my page, you are very likely to have been looking for the best podcasts, websites, and resources to learn French Online. Look no further! I have searched the web to find the best learning sites to learn French.

These are inspirational and incredibly useful French blogs to increase your learning of French whether you have just started your learning journey or already are an advanced learner. I have listed great blogs hosted by the best bloggers out there!

Whether you are a French student looking to improve his/her level of French, a teacher looking for fantastic resources or simply just curious to see what some people passionately create to help others,  these blogs will inspire you!

So here’s my list of 25 best French Blogs in no particular order

  1. Talk in French


Talk in French is a great blog hosted by Frederic Bibard. He creates fun and easy French lessons for learners of all levels. Not only will you learn the French language itself, you will also learn about the wonderful French culture. Frederic usually adds about 2 posts per month.

Have a look at this great website https://www.talkinfrench.com/

You can also follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

  1. FluentU French


Another gem right here just for you!

On this blog, you will have the wonderful (and ever so precious) opportunity to learn French through authentic resources. You will have plenty to choose from! Indeed, it gathers music videos, movie trailers, news, and inspiring talks. The possibilities are endless!

I love the fact that you can learn French in an engaging and immersive way. That really is their secret weapon!

Here is the website link https://www.fluentu.com/french/

Give them a like on Facebook and/or follow them on Twitter!

  1. Learn French

learnfrench reddit
In this reddit , you will be able to learn the language of love thanks to many different articles on many various topics. You can also become the teacher and post your own lessons! And remember, you can learn so much when teaching others!

Click on the following link if you like the concept of this blog!


  1. Français Authentique

Français Authentique


In his blog, Johan, your host, will help you speak French. This blog is mainly aimed at learners who already understand French but struggle with its speaking part. And we all know that speaking is the hardest part of learning a language (with writing probably) . First, you understand, then you start speaking. Well, Johan has many tricks up his sleeve to help you on your online French learning journey!

Here is the direct link to his blog https://www.francaisauthentique.com/blog/

You can also follow him on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter!

  1. French Today

French Today Blog


French Today’s blog features 500+ exclusive articles. Mainly aimed at adults, the articles (published weekly) cover French vocabulary, grammar, verb conjugations, culture, easy bilingual stories and more. French Today features both traditional and modern French, and prepares you for real interactions with modern French people.

Register and download their free 2.5 hour audiobook and receive weekly tips and exclusive lessons here: https://www.frenchtoday.com/register.

The French Today audiobook method actually gets 4.91 out of 5 on 496 reviews from verified customers! They have free Android, IOS and Desktop apps to learn French in your pyjamas or on the go.

Have a look for yourself https://www.frenchtoday.com/blog

You will also find them on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest!

  1. Transparent French Language Blog

Transparent Language

Here is another very busy French blog as their hosts add about three posts per week!

Based in the USA, this blog is great for absolutely everyone. Indeed, if you are a French student, you will find whatever you’re looking for thanks to their scientifically proven methodology, their wide variety of high-quality learning material and their use of real-life French spoken by native French speakers.

If you are a teacher, you will get the opportunity to join the thousands of K-12 educators, schools, and universities! Not bad, is it?

Check their blog out on https://www.transparent.com/ or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  1. Fluent French Now


Created by Stanley Aléong, this blog is aimed at all levels. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner, you will find exactly what you are looking for. There are many authentic resources on which Stanley comments. You will also find transcriptions and translations to download.

This blog is pretty well organized as the articles are classed in three main parts: “how to articles”, “methods and strategies for learning French”, and “learning from the common mistakes in spoken French”.

You won’t find many illustrations as most posts are mainly text-based but, realistically, the quality of the articles will make you forget about that!

Here’s the website’s link http://www.fluentfrenchnow.com/

  1. Learn French with daily podcasts

Daily French Pod

First of all, do you know what a podcast is? Basically, it is a digital audio or video file which a user can download and listen to. The great thing about podcasts is that you can download them and listen to them wherever and whenever you want! And what is even better is that you will be able to download podcasts for free on this blog and you can get a PDF transcript too!

Don’t waste any more time. Go and download some French podcasts on http://www.dailyfrenchpod.com/

  1. FrenchConnect – Speaking a language is about connection, not perfection

French Connect

Based in India, this blog is hosted by Swati Rastogi who is a French teacher. She won’t only teach you French though but also many different aspects of the French culture. She writes about four posts per week to teach you French through videos, images, and audios that will stimulate your imagination and bring out the creativity in you!

Here is the direct link to her website https://swatifrenchconnect.wordpress.com/

  1. French Together Blog


This blog is hosted by Benjamin Houy, a language learning expert and a French native speaker (which always is a bonus). He will teach you “the 20% of French you need to understand 80% of conversations”. You’ll learn French you won’t find in textbooks!

Follow this link https://frenchtogether.com/blog/ or find him on Facebook and Twitter!

  1. French Crazy


As his host says it perfectly well, French crazy is “a site designed for French teachers, French learners, and French culture enthusiasts”!

You will have the choice between plenty and more articles to learn French grammar, vocabulary but you will also get to know some very interesting facts about the French culture. I personally love the bit about French music!

To explore this great blog, simply click on the following link https://frenchcrazy.com/ or go on Facebook !

  1. Love Learning Languages

The host, Jennifer, who taught French for 15 years at university, is now located in Béziers, in the South of France. She offers immersion courses but also online ones!

You can learn French for free on her YouTube channel or on a Facebook page! Her website is very well made.

  1. Lawless French

Lawless French

Another blog bursting with great resources. Created by Laura K. Lawless. This blog will help you learn about essential French grammar and vocabulary. Laura also writes weekly posts about French expressions and idioms which can be very useful! Not only this though, she will also help you improve your pronunciation and listening and reading comprehension.

Check it out here https://www.lawlessfrench.com/

  1. French Video Audio Lessons

French Video Audio Lessons

The name of this blog could not be any clearer! It’s all written on the tin! Its host, who posts new lessons and articles about once a week, will help you learn French thanks to videos and audios. Bonus: you can also download French PDF lessons!

Have a look, you won’t be disappointed! http://youlearnfrench.blogspot.fr/

  1. Oui, c’est ça


Packed with fantastic resources, this blog has been created by a French teacher who owns a Master’s degree in French literature and a bachelor’s in French language. She has taught French in many countries across the globe. Saying this lady knows what she is talking about is, therefore, an understatement, don’t you think?

She uses her great teaching skills to transmit her knowledge thanks to very interesting resources written in English. You’ll learn about the French culture, language, French songs, news and so on.

Check it for yourself https://ouicestcadotcom.wordpress.com/learning-french/

  1. The French Blog

The French Blog

This is an excellent blog! I like the fact that you will find fantastic content. This blog, hosted by William Alexander, author and IT director, bursts with great articles and videos! Articles are on a lot of different topics such as everyday life in France, cooking, news…

You don’t want to miss his “Wordsmith Wednesday” and “French Food Fight Friday”.

Have a look at his website to find out more www.thefrenchblog.com.

  1. Oh, la, la, I speak French!


You will find a wide variety of material to learn French and have fun at the same time! French resources include written posts, exercise sheets, as well as many funny videos! You’ll be able to work on your speaking, listening, and writing skills and will laugh. A lot!

Here is the website link https://www.ohlalaispeakfrench.com/

  1. Tex’s French Grammar – la grammaire de l’absurde


After having read the name of this blog, you probably already have an idea of what most articles are about. Yes, you’ve got it: this blog deals mainly with French grammar. It was originally built for the University of Texas students as a French grammar guide but quickly got the approval of many more students and started to be used by any learner of French!

If you are the organized type, then you will love this blog. Indeed, every specific grammar item is categorized and everything is very clearly explained and defined!

Not only this though, you will also be able to follow the love story of Tex and Tammy, two star-struck armadillos.

With this blog, you are sure to learn many things and to have a lot of fun!

Like them on Facebook or have a look at their website http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/index.html

  1. The Linguist on Language

The Linguist

The host of this blog, Steve Kaufmann, who has a channel on YouTube, is rather extremely impressive. He learnt French at school but was far from being fluent at the end of his studies.

He, therefore, decided to find a way to learn languages outside of textbooks and created, with his son Mark, an online language learning system and Web 2.0 community, whose members from all over the world help each other learn up to 21 languages.

Today, Steve knows 16 languages and can speak more or less fluently 12 of them!

What’s his secret?

Has he got a magic wand?


Just a passion for languages and a very effective way to learn them. His method is mainly based on communication. He teaches you French from what you actually are interested in!

I won’t reveal too much though. Go and discover him on his website https://blog.thelinguist.com/ or read his book The Way of The Linguist: A Language Learning Odyssey.

  1. The Heart of an Artichoke

The Heart of an Artichoke


Aimed for English and French speakers, this blog will teach French and the French culture in a light-hearted way and with a lot of humor! You will also learn about literature which is rather unusual in blogs like this.

The authors of The Heart of an Artichoke, Claire Lerognon, and Linda Phillips Ashour have a fabulous experience when it comes to languages and more specifically French.

I let you find out more on their website http://theheartofanartichoke.com/blog/#.WpxfG3ciGM8

  1. Au son du FLE

Au son du FLE

Just in case you don’t know what the acronym FLE stands for, here is its full meaning: Français Langue Etrangère. In other words, French as a foreign language.

This blog’s host, Michel Billières, is a teacher at the University of Toulouse, France. In his blog, Michel pays a particular attention to French phonetics and how to master it.He uses a method called la méthode verbo-tonale d’intégration phonétique (MVT). What does it consist of, you may ask? Well, it basically helps French learners to understand corrective procedures to help them with their pronunciation.

If you and French pronunciation aren’t best friends, then you should definitely visit this blog! https://www.verbotonale-phonetique.com/

  1. Le français entre quat’z’yeux.



In this blog, Federica, an Italian lady who studied French, will not only teach French vocabulary, grammar rules or even idiomatic expressions, she will also give you the opportunity to have fun while learning.

In her blog, she regularly recommends TV programmes, books, videos and (which is extremely important!) she gives you their transcriptions and/or subtitles.

Basically, you will get all the tools you will need to understand everything you will read and watch! That way, you will learn French and enhance your French cultural knowledge in a great way.

Check it for yourself https://lefrancaisentrequatzyeux.blogspot.fr/ and like her on Facebook.

  1. ProfMichelle


This blog is more specifically aimed at French teachers but not only. As a learner of French, you will find very useful resources.

In 2009, Michelle, the host, went on a professionnal development course to learn how to use computers and other technological resources in her classroom. From that day, she has totally changed her teaching methods. On her blog, she shares all the resources she creates.

They are mainly made for beginners and teenagers (A1/A2 level).

Here’s the link http://www.profmichelle.com/

  1. Chez JérômeChez Jérôme


This blog is rather similar to the one above in its concept (educational blog) except it is aimed at intermediate to advanced learners.

Jérôme, the host, first created this blog for his Italian learners of French. Thanks to his blog, he establishes a real link between the French teachers’ community.

You will find articles about the news, history, exam preparations…

He also shares loads of good links, websites, and resources to improve your level of French but also to discover, listen to an read about anything to do with French learning.

Let’s see what you think on http://chezjerome.over-blog.com/

  1. Les Z’experts FLE


Last but not least, another fantastic blog to find great resources to learn French. In this blog, you should find about one new free post per week! Fab, isn’t it?

It’s aimed at all learner’s levels. It is packed with very interesting articles about conjugation, grammar, learning games, vocabulary, posters… This website was so successful that it has expanded. There is now the Zexpertistan. On that site, you can share your own resources and even find jobs!

I give you both links



Now I want to hear it from you:

So here you have it, a very comprehensive list of the top 25 best French language blogs!

Let me know by leaving a comment below right now on which of these French Blogs helped you in your online French learning journey!


  • Johan Tekfak
    12:29 PM, March 2018

    Merci pour l’article 😉 Bonne continuation. Johan

    • amelie hurford
      12:28 AM, March 2018

      Merci Johan!

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