Learning French Vocabulary represents an enormous part in learning French.
With that in mind, I have written this for you so it will be your gateway to learn French with French Vocabulary!
So, yes, of course, you will have to know about grammar and conjugation but what will you do if you don’t have any basic French words to build up your sentences with, to express what you have in mind and get your message across?
Not much… Wilkins (1972) wrote that “. . . while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”.
As a foreign language learner (and, clearly, because you are looking for a French vocabulary list, reason why you are reading this blog), you must be aware that you need to know many words on many different topics.
As Schmitt (2010) noted, “learners carry around dictionaries and not grammar books”.
1) Learn French vocabulary
First of all, let’s try to understand what exactly a word is. Indeed, perceiving how a word is built will help you learning complete word families.
French vocabulary is complex. Nation (2001) highlighted three different aspects of a word. As a language learner, it is useful for you to understand exactly these three facets of a word. They are form, meaning and use.
- a) What is the form of a word?
Nation (2001) basically explained that the form of a word associates its written form (spelling), spoken form (pronunciation) and any item that makes that word up (by item, I mean prefix, suffix and root). Let me give you an example.
Let’s take the French word incompréhensible and analyse its form. Its prefix is -in which means “negative” or “opposite”. Its root is compréhen which comes from the verb comprendre (to understand).
Its suffix is -ible which means “which can be”. Therefore, incompréhensible is something that cannot be understood.
Knowing a little bit about prefix and suffix could really help you understand the French language better. So here is a brief list to support you on your learning journey.
Prefix | Meaning | Examples |
A, an | Absence | Amoral (amoral), anormal (abnormal) |
Ad, a, ac, af, al, ap | Idea of bringing things together | Amener (bring), adjoindre (enlist), accourir (rush up), apporter (bring) |
Ab, abs, | Distance | Abstenir (abstain) |
Anté, anti | Before | Antéposer (prepose), antidater (antedate) |
Anti | Against | Antigel (antifreeze) |
Bi, bis | Two | Bimensuel (bi-monthly) |
Dé(s), dis | Separation, difference | Débrancher (unplug), disjoindre (come apart) |
Di(s) | Two | Disyllabique (disyllabic) |
Dys | Anomaly | Dysfonctionnement (dysfuntion) |
Ex | Outside | Exporter (export) |
Homo | Similar | Homogène (homogeneous, consistent) |
In, im, il, ir | Negative | Inégal (unequal), illégal (illegal) |
Mal, mau | Negative, bad, inaccurate | Malaise (dizzy spell), maudire (curse) |
Mono | One | Monochrome (monochrome, one color) |
Néo | New | Néonatal (newborn, neonatal) |
Non | Negative | Non-lieu (dismissed case) |
Para | Protection, close to | Parachute (parachute), paraphrase (paraphrase) |
Post | After | Postface (with a postscript, with an afterward) |
Pré | Before, in front ot | Prédisposer (predispose), prémolaire (premolar tooth, bicuspid tooth) |
R(e), ré | Repetition, reversal | Redire (say again), retour (come back) |
Suffix | Meaning | Examples |
Ade, age, aille(s) | Action, result of an action | Embrassade (embrace), codage (coding), trouvaille (find, treasure) |
Ation, ition, (s)sion, xion, isation | Indexation (indexation), finition (finishing stage), récession (recession), connexion (connection) | |
(e)ment | Aménagement (arrangement) | |
Ance, ence, escence | Qualilty, attribute, function | Voyance (clairvoyance), latence (latency), coalescence (fusion) |
Eur | Hauteur (height) | |
Isme | Opinion, attitude | Communisme communism) |
Iste | Person who has an opinion, an attitude | Fasciste (fascist), socialiste (socialist) |
Issime | Intense | Richissime (wealthy) |
Able, ible, uble | Possibility | Mangeable (edible), lisible (readable), soluble (soluble, solvable) |
- b) What is the meaning of a word ?
The meaning of a word is the signification of each item forming the word (prefix, root and suffix) and therefore the meaning of the full word created by each item.
- c) What is the use of a word?
According to Nation, the use of a word contains its grammatical functions as well as any word that goes with it (it’s called a collocation if we want to be exact) like “courir vite” (to run fast). It’s basically why you use this particular word.
Wow, we’ve done it: a bit of grammar! It is always useful and interesting to understand precisely what you’re learning and, quite frankly, for a geeky little person like me, this was rather enjoyable but I could totally understand if you, now, wanted me to get straight to the point and unveil the Holy Grail: the list of French vocabulary!
2) Most used French Vocabulary words by category
In this French vocabulary guide, you will find all the French vocabulary you need to say whatever you want!
Accounting (comptabilité)
Is recording, reporting and analysing financial transactions of a business the type of things you enjoy doing?
Well, in that case you might want to have a look at the following few French words.
French | English |
Budget | Budget, finances |
Balance | Balance |
Compte | Account |
Crédit | Credit |
Dépense | Spending |
Économie | Economy |
Gain | Profit |
Gestion | Management |
Plan | Plan |
Prévision | Forecast, expectation |
Recette | Receipts, revenue, income |
Rentrée | Income |
Revenu | Income, earnings |
Salaire | Wage, salary |
Advertising (publicité)
When working in the marketing communication sphere, you will need to have an extensive list of vocabulary.
Please see below the main words regarding that profession.
French | English |
Affichage | Poster campaign |
Annonce | Advertisement |
Avis | Notice |
Battage | Hype, ballyhoo |
Bluff | Bluff, bluster |
Brochure | Brochure, booklet, pamphlet |
Bruit | News, rumour |
Charlatanisme | Charlatanism, quackery |
Dépliant | Leaflet, pamphlet |
Lancement | Launch |
Matraquage publicitaire | Hype, plugging |
Présentation | Presentation, presenting |
Programme (livret détaillant un spectacle) | Programme |
Propagande | Propaganda |
Prospectus | Leaflet, prospectus |
Pub | Ad, advert, advertisement |
Réclame | Ad, advert, advertisement |
Slogan | Slogan, headline |
Tract | Leaflet, handout |
Airplane (avion)
On attache sa ceinture et c’est parti!! More than a simple means of transport, airplanes are often a real passion.
If that is your case, look no further !
French | English |
Aéroplane | Aeroplane |
Appareil | Aeroplane, airplane, aircraft |
Bombardier | Bomber |
Chasseur | Fighter plane, fighter jet |
Coucou | Old crate |
Jet | Jet, jet plane |
Lancement | Launch |
Propulsion | Propulsion |
Supersonique | Supersonic |
Zinc | Crate |
Airport (aéroport)
This is a similar topic to the previous one.
You will definitely need to know many words dealing with “airport” if you’ve decided to travel to a French speaking country!
French | English |
Aérodrome | Aerodrome |
Aérogare | Air terminal |
Altiport | Altiport |
Atterrissage | Landing |
Embarquement | Boarding |
Halte | Stopping place |
Plateforme | Plateform |
Provenance | From |
Station | Station |
Terminal | Terminal |
Activities (activités)
Traveling to France is a fabulous experience but going over and working there is even better. It would definitely help you improving your language skills very fast.
Here are some words linked to activities.
French | English |
Actif | Worker |
Agricole | Agricultural, farming |
Chômage | Unemployment |
Commercial | Trade, salesperson |
Économique | Economic |
Emploi | Job, employment |
Fonction | Duty |
Force de travail | Capacity for hard work |
Inactivité | Inactivity |
Industrie | Industry |
Logistique | Logistics |
Mécénat | Patronage, sponsorship |
Secteur | Sector, area, field |
Service | Service, duty |
Tertiaire | Tertiary, service industries |
Tourisme | Tourism |
Travail | Job, work |
Anatomy (anatomie)
Anatomy is the science that studies the structure of the body. If you want to learn how to speak about the organs and body parts in French, the following section is for you!
French | English |
Articulation | Joint |
Avant-bras | Forearm |
Bras | Arm |
Cerveau | Brain |
Chair | Flesh |
Corps | Body |
Coude | Elbow |
Dissection | Dissection |
Épaule | Shoulder |
Humain | Human being |
Jambe | Leg |
Membre | Limb |
Mollet | Calf |
Morphologie | Morphology |
Muscle | Muscle |
Tronc | Trunk, torso |
Visage | Face |
Viscère | Viscus |
Animals (les animaux)
Yes, the Animals was a British rockband in the 1960’s. However, in the following list, we are going to concentrate on our four-legged friends (nos amis à quatre pattes)!
French | English |
Abattoir | Slaughterhouse |
Bête | Animal, creature, beast |
Chasse | Hunt |
Élevage | Farm |
Fourrure | Fur |
Gibier | Game |
Hibernation | Hibernation |
Insecte | Insect |
Mammifère | Mammal |
Museau | Muzzel, snout |
Oiseau | Bird |
Patte | Leg, paw, hoof |
Pelage | Coat, fur |
Poil | Hair |
Queue | Tail |
Reproduction | Reproduction |
Reptile | Reptile |
Taxidermie | Taxidermy |
Véterinaire | Vet |
Architecture (architecture)
If you love designing and constructing building, then have a look at the list below!
French | English |
Architecte | Architect |
Bâtiment | Building, property |
Bâtisse | Building, structure |
Édifice | Building, edifice, structure |
Gothique | Gothic |
Mobilier | Furniture |
Monument | Monument, landmark, historical building |
Sculpture | Sculpture |
Urbanisme | Town planning |
Art (l’art)
Do you love painting, drawing, singing?
Henri Matisse work has no secret for you? You should like the following list.
French | English |
Culture | Culture |
Esthétique | Aesthetics |
Musique | Music |
Peinture | Painting |
Poésie | Poetry, poem |
Savoir-faire | Savoir-faire, skill, expertise, craft |
Sculpture | Sculpture |
Talent | Talent |
Technique | Technique, method, skill |
Théâtre | Theatre |
Astronomy (l’astronomie)
Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It applies mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
French | English |
Astre | Celestial body, star |
Astronome | Astronomer |
Céleste | Celestial |
Comète | Comet |
Cosmologie | Cosmology |
Étoile | Star |
Physique | Physics |
Planète | Planet |
Science | Science |
Solaire | Solar |
Baby (bébé)
Sleepless nights (that’s the first thing that came to my mind when I wrote baby!! Can you tell I am a mummy who doesn’t sleep much lately?!), smiles, cuteness… A baby changes your life forever and definitely for the better.
Here are some words linked to our precious little ones.
French | English |
Accouchement | Labour, childbirth, delivery |
Allaitement | Breast feeding |
Biberon | Bottle |
Enceinte | Pregnant |
Grossesse | Pregnancy |
Lait | Milk |
Naissance | Birth |
Nourrisson | Infant |
Parent | Parent |
Prématuré | Premature baby |
Baking (faire des gâteaux)
Humm, can you smell that lovely smell coming from the oven? Yes, that’s the gorgeous croissants I’m baking! If you love baking too, have a quick glance at the following list.
French | English |
Beurre | Butter |
Biscuit | Biscuit, cookie |
Gâteau | Cake, gateau |
Dessert | Dessert, afters, puddings, pud |
Farine | Floor |
Moule | Baking pan, baking tin |
Pâtisserie | Baking, pastry cooking |
Recette | Recipe |
Sucre | Sugar |
Tarte | Tart, pie |
Banking (la banque)
If you decide to move to France, you will definitely need to open bank account. Here are some useful words you might want to learn.
French | English |
Argent | Money |
Bancaire | Bank, banking, financial |
Banquier | Banker |
Billet | Banknote, note, bill |
Crédit | Credit, loan |
Dépôt | Deposit |
Financier | Financial |
Investissement | Investment |
Paiement | Payment |
Pièce | Coin, piece (less than £1/$1) |
Prêt | Credit |
Bar (bar, café)
A gorgeous summer day, the sun is shining and you’re sat on the terrasse of a cafe. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?
French | English |
Bistrot | Bar, pub, café |
Boisson | Drink, beverage |
Brasserie | Brewery |
Buvette | Refreshment room, Refreshment stall, Refreshment area |
Café | Café, bar, coffee |
Client | Customer |
Comptoir | Counter, bar |
Consommation | Drink, beverage |
Pression | Draught beer |
Serveur/serveuse | Waiter/waitress |
Baseball (baseball)
This is a very important sport in America, not so much in France. Nevertheless, you might be passionated and willing to develop it in France.
French | English |
Arbitre | Referee |
Balle | Ball |
Batte | Bat |
Équipe | Team |
Gant | Baseball glove |
Joueur | Player |
Lanceur | Relief pitcher |
Match | Match |
Stade | Stadium |
Basketball (basket-ball)
Ever heard about Tony Parker or Joakim Noah? Fan of the NBA? You will certainly want to know more about this sport!
French | English |
Adversaire | Opponent |
Ballon | Ball |
Basketteur | Basketball player |
Entraîneur | Trainer, coach, instructor |
Fédération | Federation |
Netball | Netball |
Panier | Basket |
Terrain de basket-ball | Basketball court |
Bathroom (la salle de bain)
Are you coquette and like making yourself looking even prettier than you alredy are? Love having a nice warm soak? Here are some words about bathroom.
French | English |
Après-shampoing | Conditioner |
Baignoire | Bathtub, bath, tub |
Bain | Bath, bathwater |
Cabine de douche | Shower cubicle, shower stall |
Douche | Shower |
Gel douche | Shower gel |
Lavabo | Washbasin, washstand, sink, bathroom sink |
Robinet | Tap, faucet |
Se laver | To have a wash |
Shampooing | Shampoo |
Beauty (la beauté)
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Such a beautiful saying. Here you’ll find some words regarding this topic.
French | English |
Amour | Love |
Beau (masculine) / belle (feminine) | Beautiful |
Charme | Charm, attraction, appeal, allure, seductiveness |
Cosmétique | Cosmetics, beauty product |
Douceur | Softness, gentleness |
Élégance | Elegance, style |
Harmonie | Harmony, balance |
Laideur | Ugliness |
Perfection | Perfection |
Séduction | Seduction |
Bedroom (la chambre)
Thinking about booking a room in a French hotel or even better moving to France and going to get some bedroom items? Perfect, that list is for you.
French | English |
Armoire | Wardrobe, closet |
Chambre d’hôtel | Hotel room |
Chevet | Bedside table |
Dormir | To sleep |
Drap | Sheet |
Hôtel | Hotel |
Lit | Bed |
Oreiller | Pillow |
Vêtement | Clothes, clothing |
Beverages (les boissons)
How nice is it to have a drink with your friends? You can chat (gossip sometimes as well…) and simply have a wonderful time. You’ll need to know more about French words related to beverages if you want to live one of these moments in France!
French | English |
Alcool | Alcohol |
Bière | Beer |
Boire | To drink |
Breuvage | Beverage |
Café | Coffee |
Eau | Water |
Jus de fruits | Fruit juice |
Limonade | Lemonade, lemon soda |
Verre | Glass |
Vin | Wine |
Biology (la biologie)
A bit more serious than the topic about beverages I guess… Here are some useful words if you want to speak about biology in French.
French | English |
Biologiste | Biologist |
Chimie | Chemistry |
Évolution | Development, evolution |
Génétique | Genetic, genetics |
Médecine | Medecine |
Métabolisme | Metabolism |
Moléculaire | Molecular |
Organisme | Organism |
Physiologie | Physiology |
Vivant | Life, living things |
Birthday (anniversaire)
Joyeux anniversaire, joyeux anniversaire, joooooyyeeeuuuxxx anniversaire!!! I don’t know about you but I’m really starting to struggle with getting old(er)… Well if you’re not as grumpy as me when it comes to birthday, please have a look below!
French | English |
Année | Year |
Bougie | Candle |
Cadeau | Present |
Célébration | Celebration |
Festivité | Festivities, merrymaking |
Fête | Party |
Fêter | To celebrate |
Gâteau d’anniversaire | Birthdy cake |
Soirée | Party, soiree, reception, do, bash |
Vieillir | To get old |
Body parts (les parties du corps)
This area might seem basic but body parts represents an important topic to know about, even more so if you are a beginner learner.
French | English |
Bouche | Mouth |
Bras | Arm |
Cil | Lash, eyelash |
Coude | Elbow |
Cuisse | Thigh |
Dent | Tooth |
Doigt | Finger |
Épaule | Shoulder |
Fesse | Behind, bottom, bum |
Gencive | Gum |
Genou | Knee |
Langue | Tongue |
Lèvre | Lip |
Lobe | Lobe, earlobe |
Main | Hand |
Mamelon | Nipple |
Mollet | Calf |
Narine | Nostril |
Nez | Nose |
Nombril | Belly button, navel |
Oeil/yeux | Eye/eyes |
Ongle | Nail |
Oreille | Ear |
Orteil | Toe |
Pied | Foot |
Phalange | Phalanx |
Poitrine | Chest |
Sein | Breast |
Sourcil | Eyebrow |
Talon | Heel |
Tête | Head |
Tronc | Trunk, torso |
Ventre | Belly, stomach |
Breakfast (le petit déjeuner)
Coffee, croissant, marmelade, orange juice!! I love a nice French breakfast! Don’t you?
French | English |
Bol | Bowl, breakfast bowl |
Café | Coffee |
Céréale | Cereals |
Confiture | Jam, preserve, marmalade |
Jus d’orange | Orange juice |
Lait | Milk |
Pain | Bread |
Tartine | Slice of bread |
Tasse | Cup, mug |
Thé | Tea |
Business (commerce)
“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people”, Steve Jobs. Such an inspirational quote. I hope I can help you succeeding with the following list.
French | English |
Affaire | Business |
Commerçant | Noun : storekeeper, shopkeeper, trader, retailer. Adjective:business-minded, businesslike |
Concurrence | Competition, rivalry |
Échange | Trade, trading, exchange |
Exportation | Exportation, export |
Finance | Finance, markets, financial mrkets |
Importation | Importation |
Marchandise | Merchandise, goods |
Négociant | Merchant, trader |
Troc | Barter |
Camping (camping)
This is an activity loved by most French people: going camping. In fact, there is a film called “Camping”. Never seen it? Watch it! It’s hilarious and really shows what it’s like going to a French campsite!
French | English |
Campeur | Camper |
Caravane | Caravan, trailer |
Gîte | Gite, holiday cottage, vacation rental |
Hébergement | Accommodation, lodgings |
Location | Renting, rental, hire, leasing |
Plage | Beach |
Piscine | Swimming-pool |
Tente | Tent |
Touristique | Touristic |
Vacances | Holiday, vacation |
Car (voiture)
If you go and visit France, I would strongly recommend you to hire a car. Indeed, there are some very long (and beautiful) roads leading to one village to the next!
French | English |
Automobile | Automobile, auto, motor vehicle, car |
Berline | Saloon, sedan |
Cabriolet | Convertible, cabriolet, open-top |
Caisse | Undercarriage |
Essence | Petrol, gas, gasoline |
Mécanique | Mechanical, engine |
Portière | Door, car door |
Roue | Wheel |
Route | Road, way, itinerary |
Trajet | Journey |
Chemistry (chimie)
I don’t know about you, but I remember some great experiences I did in Chemistry in school! Deepak Chopra said “To think is to practice brain chemistry”. What do you think?
French | English |
Alchimie | Alchemy |
Atome | Atom |
Chimiquement | Chemically, by chemical means |
Chimiste | Chemist |
Industrie | Industry |
Laboratoire | Laboratory |
Molécule | Molecule |
Organique | Organic |
Physique | Physics |
Science | Science |
Christmas (Noël)
My absolute favourite time of the year!! Seeing my children’s eyes sparkling when they open their presents is absolutely fabulous (the far too early time they wake up on that day is not as great though…). Petit Papa Noël quand tu descendras du ciel…
French | English |
Avent | Advent |
Boule | Bauble, bulb |
Cadeau | Presents, gifts |
Décorations | Decoration |
Guirlande | Tinsel |
Nativité | Nativity |
Neige | Snow |
Père Noël | Santa Claus, Father Christmas |
Sapin | Christmas tree |
Traîneau | Sledge, sled |
Classroom (la salle de classe)
As a teacher, I particularly appreciate anything to do with school (that sounds so geeky!). Knowing classroom’s items could be beneficial to you if you learn French or if you move to France and send your children to a French school.
French | English |
Ardoise | Slate |
Bureau | Desk |
Cartable | Schoolbag |
Cours | Lesson |
Craie | Chalk stick, piece of chalk |
Élève | Pupil |
Feutre | Felt pen, felt-tip pen |
Instituteur | Primary school teacher |
Professeur | Teacher |
Tableau | Board |
Clothing (les vêtements/les habits)
“Clothes is just something you put on to cover yourself… fashion is a way to communicte”, Dries Van Noten.
Fashion represents such an important part of the French everyday life. Chanel, Jean-Paul Gauthier and so many other French couturiers are centre stage when it comes to fashion!
French | English |
Bermuda | Bermuda shorts |
Chemise | Shirt |
Jupe | Skirt |
Pantalon | Pants, trousers |
Robe | Dress |
Short | Shorts |
Sous-vêtement | Underwear |
Tenue | Outfit, clothes |
Textile | Textile |
Tissu | Fabric, material |
Coffee (café)
I don’t know about you but most days it feels like without a coffee I won’t be able to face the world…
French | English |
Arabica | Arabica |
Café crème | White coffee, flat white |
Café soluble | Instant coffee |
Caféine | Caffeine |
Cafetière | Coffee maker, coffee machine |
Cuillère | Spoon |
Décaféiné (décà) | Decaffeinated coffee |
Expresso | Expresso |
Tasse | Cup, mug |
Torréfaction | Roasting |
Colors (les couleurs)
Allen Klein once said “ your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up”.
Do you agree?
There’s a little spelling rule for you (cause, yes, I can’t help being a bit geeky and, yes, grammar, spelling and syntax are never off my mind…). Because “orange” and “marron” are, as well as being colors, both common nouns (respectively meaning “orange” and “conker”), they don’t take a “s” in the plural form.
French | English |
Blanc | White |
Bleu | Blue |
Jaune | Yellow |
Marron | Brown |
Noir | Black |
Orange | Orange |
Rose | Pink |
Rouge | Red |
Vert | Green |
Violet | Purple |
Computer (ordinateur)
Imagine what life would be nowadays without computers! Having an IT device is a must but do you know any French words which are computer related?
French | English |
Clavier | Keyboard, keypad |
Écran | Screen |
Imprimante | Printer |
Informatique | IT, information technology, computer science, computing |
Logiciel | Software, program |
Mémoire | Memory, RAM, ROM |
Modem | Modem |
Ordinateur portable | Laptop |
Processeur | Processor |
Souris | Mouse |
Construction (construction)
Imagine having your own house being built in France!! I got mine done and what an amazing adventure it has been! Let’s give you some key words to be able to speak about this topic in French.
French | English |
Bâtiment | Building, property |
Béton | Concrete |
Chantier | Construction site, building site, construction work, building work |
Charpente | Framework, frame, structure |
Ciment | Cement |
Constructeur | Builder |
Construire | To build |
Maçonnerie | Building work, masonry |
Travaux publics | Public work |
Urbanisme | Town planning |
Country names (les noms de pays)
Do you like Geography? It never was my favourite subject at online school, I must admit… It’s time to brush your (our) knowledge and to revise some country names.
French | English |
Angleterre | England |
Australie | Australia |
Chine | China |
Espagne | Spain |
États-Unis | USA |
Japon | Japan |
Italie | Italy |
Portugal | Portugal |
Russie | Russia |
Nouvelle-Zélande | New-Zeland |
Cruise (croisière)
Close your eyes and picture this: you and your loved one on a Mediterranean cruise sipping cocktails and enjoying the sunshine. It sounds so perfect!
French | English |
Bateau | Boat, ship |
Bord | Bank |
Destination | Destination |
Mer | Sea |
Navigation | Boating, cruising |
Paquebot | Liner |
Port | Port, harbour |
Port de plaisance | Marina |
Traversée | Crossing |
Voyage | Journey, trip |
Cycling (cyclisme)
This sport is particularly appreciated by French people who follow the Tour de France every year. It represents a very important sporting event!
French | English |
Bicyclette | Bicycle, bike |
Casque | Helmet |
Classement | Rankings |
Contre-la-montre | Time trial |
Cycliste | Cyclist, cycling competitor, bicycle racer |
Étape | Stage |
Maillot | Jersey, shirt |
Piste cyclable | Bicycle path |
Sport | Sport |
Vélo | Bike |
Daily routine (routine quotidienne)
Every single one of us has his/her own little daily routine but would you know how to express yours in French?
French | English |
Déjeuner | To lunch |
Écouter la radio | To listen to the radio |
Faire de l’exercice | To do exercise |
Habitude | Habit, custom, wont |
Lire | To read |
Regarder la télévision | To watch TV |
Se brosser les dents | To brush one’s teeth |
Se coiffer | To do somebody’s hair |
Se laver | To have a wash |
Se lever | To get up |
Dairy products (les produits laitiers)
Ask any French person to tell you about dairy products and the first thing that will come to their mind is the song of a daily product advert on tele, “les produits laitiers sont nos amis pour la vie” (dairy products are our friends for life). More seriously, here are some words on this topic.
French | English |
Beurre | Butter |
Chantilly | Chantilly |
Crème | Cream |
Desserts lactés | Dairy dessert |
Fromage | Cheese |
Lait | Milk |
Laitage | Dairy produce |
Margarine | Margarine |
Petit-lait | Whey |
Yaourt | Yogurt |
Date (date)
Even though, it can be rather scary how time flies, it is important to be able to say the date or anything related to the date.
French | English |
Année | Year |
Antidater | To antedate |
Calendrier | Calendar |
Chronologie | Chronology |
Éphéméride | Tear-off calendar, block calendar |
Jour | Day |
Mois | Month |
Naissance | Birth |
Semaine | Week |
Temps | Time |
Days of the week (les jours de la semaine)
In the same topic, here are the days of the week.
French | English |
Lundi | Monday |
Mardi | Tuesday |
Mercredi | Wednesday |
Jeudi | Thursday |
Vendredi | Friday |
Samedi | Saturday |
Dimanche | Sunday |
Week-end | Weekend |
Hebdomadaire | Weekly |
Desserts (les desserts)
Call to all desserts lovers out there!! The French gastronomy is known worldwide and French desserts clearly do honour to this reputation!
French | English |
Biscuit | Biscuit, cookie |
Entremets | Dessert, sweet, pudding |
Fruit | Fruit |
Gâteau | Cake |
Glace | Ice-cream |
Pain perdu | French toast, bread pudding |
Pâtisserie | Pastry, cake, baking, pastry cooking, patisserie |
Sorbet | Sorbet |
Sucré | Sugary, sweet |
Tarte | Tart, pie |
Dining room (salle à manger)
In France, probably more than anywhere else in the world, families usually have their evening meal together in the dining room.
French | English |
Buffet | Sideboard, dresser |
Convive | Guest |
Déjeuner | To lunch |
Dîner | To dine |
Petit-déjeuner | To have breakfast |
Pièce | Room |
Repas | Meal |
Salon | Living room |
Se mettre à table | To sit at the table |
Table | Table |
Directions (les directions)
As a traveller, you will necessarily need to ask for directions when visiting France or any French-speaking country. Here is a list of words to help you!
French | English |
Déviation | Diversion, diverting |
Droite | Right |
Faire demi-tour | To turn round |
Gauche | Left |
GPS | Sat-Nav, GPS |
Navigateur | Navigator |
Orientation | Sense of direction |
Se perdre | To get lost |
Sens | Way |
Virage | Bend, turn |
Driving (conduite)
Driving is a must in France as there are so many long roads to travel from one place to another. Get ready to go miles and miles without any sign of human life! Landscapes, landscapes and more beautiful landscapes coming your way!
French | English |
Auto-école | Driving school |
Chauffeur | Driver, chauffeur |
Circulation | Traffic |
Conducteur | Driver |
Conduire | To drive |
Direction | Direction, way |
Pilotage | Piloting |
Routière | Road, highway |
Route | Road |
Voiture | Car |
Economics (économie)
“But what I really believe is education is a key to pretty much everything – prosperity, economics, peace, stability”, Greg Mortenson.
French | English |
Budget | Budget, finances |
Capitalisme | Capitalism |
Chômage | Unemployment |
Consommation | Consumption, use |
Croissance | Growth |
Économiste | Economist |
Épargne | Saving |
Mondialisation | Globalisation |
Monétaire | Monetary |
Productivité | Productivity, productiveness |
Education (éducation)
Some food for thought : « Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world », Nelson Mandela.
French | English |
Apprentissage | Learning, learning process |
Collège | Secondary school, high school, middle school, junior school |
École | School |
Enseignement | Teaching |
Formation | Schooling, training, course |
Instruction | Education |
Lycée | College, sixth form |
Pédagogie | Teaching skills, educational method |
Scolaire | Academic, eductional, scholastic |
Université | University |
Emergency (urgence)
Touch wood, it won’t be the case but you might end up in a situation that calls for immediate action. If so, here are so useful words.
French | English |
Appel d’urgence | Emergency call |
Arrêt d’urgence | Emergency stop |
Couverture de survie | Emergency blanket, space blanket |
Issue de secours, sortie de secours | Emergency exit |
Les urgences | Casualty |
Numéro d’urgence | Emergency phone number |
Premiers secours, soins de premiers secours | Emergency care |
Réserves | Emergency rations |
SAMU | Emergency ambulance service |
Services d’urgence | Emergency service |
Equestrian (équestre, hippique)
Whether you like the sport, horses or having a bet on a horse, this list is made for you !
French | English |
Cavalerie | Cavalry |
Cavalier, cavalière | Horserider |
Cheval | Horse |
Écuyer | Horseman, horsewoman |
Équin | Equine |
Équitation | Horse riding, horsebck riding |
Hippodrome | Racecourse, racetrack |
Palefrenier | Groom, ostler |
Sabot | Hoof |
Saut d’obstacle | Show jumping |
Essential (essentiel)
Stephen Covey said « Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships ». For you, what is essential in life ?
French | English |
Dominant | Dominant, main |
Enjeu | Issue, concern |
Fondamental | Crucial, essential, fundamental |
Important | Important |
Indispensable | Vital, essential, compulsary, obligatory |
Nécessaire | Necessary, needed |
Nécessité | Necessity, requirement, obligation |
Primordial | Primordial, essential |
Principal | Main |
Vital | Vital, essential |
Family members (les membres de la famille)
Where would we be without our family ? Whether they are close or far, family members are people we should always be close to. Having said that, there is a famous saying in France : « on choisit ses amis mais on ne choisit pas sa famille » (we choose our friends but not our family »…
French | English |
Cousin, cousine | Cousin |
Fille | Daughter |
Fils | Son |
Frère | Brother |
Grand-parent | Grandparent |
Mère | Mother |
Oncle | Uncle |
Père | Father |
Sœur | Sister |
Tante | Aunt, auntie |
Farm (ferme)
For some people living in a farm is a fantastic way of life. I think I’d rather go to a farm on a day out… I’m way to used to my own little comfort.
French | English |
Agriculteur | Farmer |
Basse-cour | Barn, barnyard |
Charrue | Plough, plow |
Cultiver | To cultivate, to grow, to farm |
Élevage | Farming, livestock farming |
Étable | Barn, cowshed |
Exploitation agricole | Farm |
Grange | Barn |
Labourer | To plough, to plow, to dig over, to turn the soil |
Verger | Orchard |
Fast food (fast-food)
Ever watched the film « supersize me » ? So, yes, the consequences of eating fast food regularly can be totally terrible but who has never enjoyed just ordering some food and chilling in front of the tele ? I know I’m guilty of this (well everu now and again).
French | English |
Cafétéria | Canteen, cafeteria, lunch room |
Commander | To order |
Hamburger | Burger |
Livrer | To deliver |
Malbouffe | Junk food |
Prêt à manger | Ready to eat |
Pizza | Pizza |
Restaurant | Restaurant |
Restauration rapide | Fast food |
Snack | Snack bar |
Feelings (sentiments)
« Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts ? », Confucius.
What is the best feeling you’ve ever had ? Mine definitely has to be when I first met my sons !
French | English |
Affection | Affection |
Amitié | Friendship |
Amour | Love |
Attachement | Attachment, emotional attachment, affection, fondness |
Désir | Desire, yearning, longing, craving |
Émotion | Emotion |
Haine | Hatred |
Jalousie | Jealousy |
Tendresse | Tenderness, softness |
Tristesse | Sadness |
First aid (premiers secours)
This topic completes the topic « emergency ».
French | English |
Croix-Rouge | Red Cross |
Porter secours | To rescue, to save |
Secourir | To rescue, to save |
Secourisme | First aid |
Secouriste | First aider, first-aid worker |
Secours | Help, assistance, aid |
Soigner | To treat |
Soin | Care, treatment |
Urgence | Emergency |
Fish and seafood (poisson et fruits de mer)
I absolutely love seafood ! Nothing beats it for me. Well, actually, what is better than eating seafood ? Eating seafood with a lovely glass of French white wine of course !
French | English |
Bouillabaisse | Bouillabaisse (French fish stew) |
Chalutier | Trawler, fishing boat |
Coquillage | Shellfish |
Crevette | Prawn |
Filet | Fish fillet |
Huître | Oyster |
Mollusque | Mollusc, mollusk |
Pêche | Angling, fishing |
Pêcheur | Angler, fisherman |
Poissonnier, poissonnière | Fish monger, fish seller |
Fitness (fitness)
« Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live », Jim Rohn.
French | English |
Aérobic | Aerobics |
Cardio | Cardio |
Entraînement | Training |
Faire de l’exercice | To do some exercises |
Forme | Shape, form, fettle |
Pilates | Pilates |
Remise en forme | Fitness |
Salle de sports | Gym |
Step | Step |
Zumba | Zumba |
Flowers (les fleurs)
Offering flowers certainly is a good start to get to a woman’s heart ! Do you give or receive many ?
French | English |
Bouquet | Bunch, bouquet |
Corolle | Corolla |
Étamine | Stamen |
Fleuriste | Florist |
Floraison | Flowering, blossoming |
Pétale | Petal |
Pistil | Pistil |
Plante | Plant |
Pollen | Pollen |
Tige | Stem, stalk |
Food (la nourriture)
This is a very important topic to know about as French people love their food so much (and, realistically, who wouldn’t when you know how delicious the French cuisine is!!).
French | English |
Aliment | Food |
Alimentation | Diet, nutrition, eating and drinking, feeding |
Bon appétit | Enjoy your meal |
Estomac | Stomach |
Malnutrition | Malnutrition |
Manger | To eat |
Nourrir | To feed |
Nutriment | Nutrient |
Nutrition | Nutrition |
Régime | Diet |
Football (football)
I’ve never been a big football fan but being the only woman at home and being surrounded by three boys (my partner and our two sons), I’ve had no choice but to start watching football. In fact, I’ve become my son’s number one fan and I’m probably the loudest mum encouraging her kid on the pitch now. Embarrassing… Do you like football ? Ask any French person about football and the first thing they will mention is the 1998 football world cup ! « Et un, et deux, et trois, zéro !! ».
French | English |
Arbitre | Referee |
Ballon | Ball |
But | Goal |
Cage | Net, goal |
Gardien | Goalkeeper |
Les Bleus | Name of the French football team |
Match | Match |
Mi-temps | Half-time |
Protège-tibia | Shin pad |
Terrain de foot / de football | Football pitch |
French words used in English (mots français utilisés en anglais)
Do you know why there are so many French words in the English language ? It’s thanks to William the Conqueror (Guillaume le Conquérant). Indeed, he was the duke of Normandy and became king of England in 1066 when he won the battle of Hastings.
He brought with him the French language. At the time, French was mainly spoken by the nobility and English by the people. Nowadays, there are very often two ways to express the same thing, one with a French root and one with an English one !
French words
ending in -tion |
French words
ending in -ble |
French words ending in -ible |
Action | Adorable | Accessible |
Attention | Comfortable | Audible |
Communication | Stable | |
Compétition | Table | |
Connexion | Visible | |
Information | ||
Justification | ||
Télévision | ||
Transformation |
Some words differ from the English language because they have a circumflex accent. This accent is present in French words because the letter « s » used to follow a vowel which is still the case in English.
French | English |
Forêt | Forest |
Hôpital | Hospital |
To help you finding what you’re looking for, I’ve listed French words used in the English language in categories.
À la carte |
Apéritif |
Bon appétit |
Café |
Chef |
Hors d’oeuvre |
Menu |
Omelette |
Pique-nique |
Restaurant |
Salade |
Soupe |
Vinaigrette |
Chic |
Couture |
Haute-couture |
Petite |
Prêt-à-porter |
Silhouette |
Other common words used in French
À propos |
Bon voyage |
Bouquet |
Bourgeois |
Boutique |
Chauffeur |
Cliché |
Critique |
Déjà vu |
Eau de cologne |
En route |
Entrepreneur |
Fiancé |
Genre |
Joie de vivre |
Souvenir |
Hope you have found everything you needed in this French vocabulary guide !