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Group Conversation at Chermside and Zoom
Improve your spoken French

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French Conversation Bootcamp

“Bootcamp de conversation en français”

How does a buttery alternative to a structured class sound to you? Register for our Conversation class, and enjoy flowing French conversations! Our Conversation class is a great casual way to immerse yourself in the French language while surrounded by new friends. French resources  included. 

Want to improve your spoken French and how much you understand?

Vous voulez améliorer votre français parlé et votre niveau de compréhension ?

This  Group Conversation is perfect for English-speaking Beginner to Advanced French language students.

you’ll never feel too bored or too lost. 

A bilingual native French teacher will be on hand to guide the  group conversation and help through those awkward silences and share the speaking time with the more introverted participants.

These  group conversations are designed for busy lives so we will have varying days/times to suit different time zones.

Group Conversation

Duration: One Month
Starts: Every Tuesday
Location: Chermside, Brisbane Zoom: Enquire
Times: 6pm to 7pm (AEST)
Cost: $400* AUD

*Full payment before the lesson.

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French Lessons Australia offer an extensive range of tailored courses that will definitely suit you.

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